The growth of Steemit is here - hurry!

in #steemit7 years ago


Yesterday I published a small article on Steemit and I didn't see it on the "New" section. I waited for a little bit and then I refreshed the page. Still nothing. Then I started scrolling down.

After a few good seconds, there it was. I guess around 100 people published something around one minute after I did. The growth of Steemit is here, just as I said in past articles, and it's gonna get even better in the future.

More and more people join this website hoping to get some money while others buy some Steem believing it will go big and in the meantime they also write, thinking they may be able to make something else besides what they already invested.

No matter the case, Steemit is growing and with it, more and more people will join and create content. This will lead to two things:

1. A lot more competition since a lot of amazing content creators will start sharing their work on this website
2. A lot more garbage since every single person out there will think sharing bad memes they found online will get them rich.

In both of those cases, a lot more content will be published and that means your articles (or whatever you post) will be less visible. Once you publish, your work will be on the "New" section for a few second until it goes down and you'll have to scroll for a while to see it again.

That's great for those who started publishing on this website a while ago and formed a following (and I'm glad @jerrybanfield convinced me to join in June this year), but this is also horrible for those who will make an account in the future just to find out it's really hard to get any attention without some connections who are way bigger than you are.

Because of this I think it's right for me to write this type of article once again and say this: start creating high quality content now, while you still have huge chances of getting noticed.

The "New" section of Steemit is filled with people sharing memes, videos and articles copied from other places. It's sad and it's frustrating that you can't find amazing content created by awesome people because of those hoping to get thousands of dollars for a meme.

But it's gonna be worse once masses start joining and once every kid on the Internet will believe they can get rich sharing bad content.

So, stop wasting your time and start working more. Post something once a day or even twice, take some time and write your own content, don't just share things, make sure to share your opinion and to gain some followers.

Asking others to follow and upvote you, posting bad memes hoping to get rich and stealing articles won't get you far and the time is running out. Once millions of people will join and once hundred of articles will be published every second... well, good luck getting noticed no matter how great your content is if you don't have any followers.

Start creating high quality content and bring value to this community. In a few months or maybe a year you'll be grateful you did that.


Things are going to change quickly. Its survival of the fittest. If you want to survive in the future you have to adopt to the cryptocurrency world. Steemit is a natural first stepping stone :)

Yes, and because of that more and more people will join, which may result in too much content being published and a lot of it being ignored.

I'm curious to see what's gonna happen in the future and how the website will evolve to give everyone a chance to success.

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