Hi, I probably flagged your post. MUHAHAHAAAA

in #steemit8 years ago

I'm not sorry. I know how it feels tho.

Go ask @anyx, @nextgencrypto (yes, he's @berniesanders), @pfunk and the other wannabe police force neighbourhood committee why I have been censored for weeks now. No plagiarism. And no, a picture of grafitti isn't plagiarism, idiot.

Have fun being invisible, noobs!


you are a coward, r4fken. you claim that you have been wronged, but rather than take your claim to the court of public opinion, or to strike at those that you feel are responsible for your problem, you strike at people with no power to retaliate against you...people that have done you no wrong.

please spend some tie contemplating what kind of worthless human being acts in such a fashion.

I'm first gen,
we were playing Commodore-64, day in day out, long before most were born.
You have some clue about let's say flagging, but you are still missing the point. We all start with nothing, build up from scratch, that's something you should understand. It's always been a fight.
Anyway man GL

Can't say I know what you mean, but thanks, I guess

This is the cancer of @steemit guys. Butthurt kids like this one should be kept away, they cant be integrated.

How about you have a grown-up discussion about how and why you feel censored instead of doing what you felt unfair, to everyone else on the platform.

Think I didn't try? Not only did I try, I screenshotted the entire conversation. Would be happy to show you the internal workings of the Steemit Neighbourhood Committee. You'd be amazed.

I hope all the noobs getting decimated by this guy, don't get too discouraged and leave the platform.

a couple of whales or dolphins should track each r4fuckhead post and upvote by a buck's worth. If people get rewarded by r4's attempt to punish, he will quit doing it

Why do you flag me you stupid Fuck? Oh thats why your a -4 Cause your a dumb Mother Fucker! Here's a flag for you!

Hi, please stop doing this!

Any reason u flag my post ?

dude .. go get laid or something. surely you could find something better to do other then flag posts for no reason. just because you got fucked over, if you even did, doesn't mean you need to take it out on others at random.

Still crying, coward? Go ahead and keep stalking/downvoting me. Sooner or later, I'm going to get upvotes from the people you have been haranguing. You will have wasted all your own voting for naught.

You have at least $2000 invested in this platform. You are just throwing that money away because you refuse to deal with your situation in an adult fashion.

This is a better option for you, and your own future on Steemit:
Man up.

Stop attacking random people
Acknowledge the disagreements you have had with your own downvoters
Attempt reconciliation with them
Apologize to the innocent people you have attacked in your hissy fit
Remove the negative votes from the innocent

Until you can handle that, you remain as a coward

This is only temporary and all abusers will be banned.

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