
So yeah, he's about as gone as I am. Dude's got a dozen or more alts.
He made his point. He staged his protest.
Why is it ok for whales to make crap like @msgivings but not ok for him to do whatever he did that started all this. That was his whole point. I think, assuming he had one.

Guy's, like I said a month or more ago, for many people this place is an MMORPG.
People play how they want to play. Difference is that here, there is money on the line.

The censorship thing is never going to win this game, it's just an arms race.

Anyone who sees this including @r4fken please stop by

So we can have a chat. You can speak freely there.

RIP r4fken. You had a "good" run of terrorising the noobs..

I understand R4fken, i just don't flag.(or hardly)
And i understand the ones flagged.
It would be too much. It's too early, spammers and publicity adds will come soon enough.
The concept might be vague, but most on here have good intent.
Anyway, you are also not visible in the followers list.

The flaggingtool is a bit too powerfull.

We have room for everyone, hop onboard!

Fiat 500 by lgbeard
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