How to make more democratic the magic touch of the whales…

in #steemit8 years ago

The overall sentiment of the Steemit community is changing really fast. Disillusionment begins to seize members of the community who see their content contributions go completely unnoticed. And not for lack of reward, which does not cease to be important, but by the almost total absence of interactions with the authors of such content beyond a simple vote.
Right now, every minute we are being bombarded with dozens of contributions of conten that does not interest us and we have not requested, and although it is hard to recognize this is the perfect definition of SPAM. For now, for me, Steemit is currently a social network for SPAM.
How to change this reality? We urgently need tools that contribute to the formation of communities around more specific topics, to which people can subscribe in any way. A simple option to not display content or tags that do not interest us can be a good start, but not enough. We need to create content groups so that people within that group receive only the content that interest them.
The Steemit community continues to grow rapidly, and I suspect that this growth is more based on the hope that some of our contributions receive the “magic touch” of whales, rather than a real interest in creating communities of discussion. And this is not objectionable because one of the incentives to enter Steemit is that our contributions were to be paid.
But let's face it, the magic touch of whales is a lottery that become increasingly unlikely as the Steemit community is growing, and it's impossible that whales can maintain a sustainable pace of review and reading content, unless they automate their votes, which would make Steemit a real lottery.
If we want the Steemit community continues to grow and that the illusion of magic touch of whales is not lost, then we must make that magic touch of whales come equally to all members of the community. And the only way I conceive that this is possible to do, it is an ever increasing number of Steemit whales as the community grows.
The problem is how to create these whales. After thinking for several days only think of a simple solution:

Let's create VIRTUAL WHALES !!!

In the long term goal it is to create communities of discussion around specific topics. But that will not be possible if there is any incentive to create that community and especially to make it grow over time. A small community of people with a minimum Steem Power voting among themselves will not produce big rewards or incentives the group or community remain in time. What should we do? Simple, create your own virutal whale. In each discussion group you can create a virtual user (virtual whale) having the Steem Power combined of all group members, so that the bigger the community, the greater Steem Power has its whale. And the only feature of this virtual user is cast a vote when the content is created. Instead of voting for oneself when content is created, what is done is to request the vote of the virtual whale of the group. This should remain optional because a simple publication of “good morning everyone” does not deserve the vote of the virtual whale. Abuse is controlled by members of the group that may give negative feedback to those users who want to take advantage of the system.
With this can encourage the creation of large communities, because the bigger the community, greater voting power has its virtual whale. Of course, this is just to make all members of the community receive the magic touch of whales, and the votes of the members of the community are the ones who continue making difference when it comes to assessing the quality of the content.
I would like to hear the pros and cons of this proposal, because if feasible should create the #virtual-whales tag.

BTW, I hate have to write in english but… This is a translation from my original post Cómo hacer más democrático el toque mágico de las ballenas in spanish..
Of course, thank you very much for your vote !!!.


Perhaps an interface could be made for the members of a group/substeemit to vote on what the whale should upvote, direct democracy style, which 40 posts to upvote, since a user can only vote 40 times a day at full power.

The 40 post to upvote limit is a good point. Perhaps the interface is not necessary because the whale would only have to give their vote to the 40 post with more votes in the day. But I suspect that the inequalities that are trying to correct will be presented in groups. Of course is more democratic than actual situation.

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