Please Dont post pornagraphic material on steemit. (nude women)

in #steemit8 years ago

There's plenty of places on the internet to view distasteful content, but lets keep steemit above board. A large percentage of the content creators and readers/viewers are women, mothers, wives, even senior citizens. They wont join our community if they see distasteful pictures and thumbnails.

I realize that there is no censorship here, but at least lets all resolve to downvote these posts. Please downvote any picture or content that debases women. I really think that if these poor attempts to get attention are met with down votes, they will start making better choices with there post and steemit will be a place we can send our grandma to browse.

Anyway that's just my two cents.. I have been posting here since this weekend and as I read through new posts I'm just finding every once and while there's some pretty smutty content that should be kept out of steemit.
Please let me know what you think :)

Luc (A.K.A. Quickfingers)


In my opinion, there should be an option to change the preferred attached picture (ie, "og:image"), and we flag any posts that do not have a #NSFW tag, etc.

It shouldn't be prohibited, but it should be tagged appropriately. I do wonder what thoughts @ned @dan both have for this.
#ideas #development

As much as I don't want to see nude women and memes take over the site, isn't downvoting more for reporting spam and stolen/duplicate material? Just downvoting something you don't like is the culture on Reddit and I'd like to see SteemIt be more open to contrarian opinions.

I understand your point, but I really don't think this is the venue for that material. Its too public a forum in my opinion. However, I'm sure my small post won't make a ripple in this pond :(

I'm going through everyone of your posts, Luc, trying to get up to speed on making money like you do. I appreciate your taking the time to appeal to the community to keep SteemIt clean. It's too late for my sons, 43 and and 38, but not for my six grand kids, the reasons I did not murder my sons, I encourage to get their own SteemIt accounts. I go into male and female detention facilities four times a month taking in the good news of Jesus Christ. So actually visit after getting out of jail. What you teach so graciously I'm passing on to inmates so they can establish lively hoods completely unrelated to their past associations.