Steemit is a new social network that pays you in digital currencies for what you publish!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

How many hours did you spend and spend in front of social networks like Facebook, Twitter and so on, without any real payoff? Which of course these hours means more money that goes into the account of these companies by selling ads that you see and others.
Is it time for change?
Is it time to take money for what you publish?!
Could it ever be that one day ?!
The answer is yes ...
This fact has been and still can be in many ways.
Sites such as were sharing their profits with their users where they pay 90% of the value of the ads that appear to users and 10% of him and the founder of the site talked about Facebook to take all the profits earned by the site and does not share those profits with users who were the reason for the coming of those funds. (The site has been suspended for some unknown reason and its users behavior may be the main reason), and other sites such as Bubblews such as or youtube whose basis of action is to share your profits from advertising
But the site I want to explain to you is the best of these sites. It grows day by day. It differs from previous sites in several ways ... It does not depend on ads for your profits, but on the audience of readers and readers and how much you interact with the users of the site. the more your followers and readers this increases your chances of getting more profits, which may reach hundreds or even thousands (There is no limit to what your publications may earn).
Steam is a social networking site built with blockchain technology, where anyone can get a reward for publishing, commenting and interacting within the site.
One of the advantages of the site is that it is decentralized. This means that the site founders can not control your account as Facebook does. The site also uses a digital currency known as steam, which is a promising currency.
This image of a user of the site has exceeded the profits of 15 thousand dollars

The way of profit is:

  1. Create content of all kinds Texts, images, etc... After creating the content you publish it to see the users of the site
  2. When the users of the site upvote your money, the amount of money from a few cents to several dollars is calculated based on the strength of your account. The higher your steam power, the higher the amount you get from upvote.
  3. The basic condition of the site is that your content does not infringe on intellectual property rights. However, you can use content with proprietary rights provided that you indicate the source (when the source is not mentioned, one of the bots will alert you.)
    Create your own content is not that difficult that some might imagine may be a picture taken to your city or your trip with your friends or a story occurred with you or talk about your country or your opinion of a product or phenomenon ...etc... All this is called content.
    Unleash yourself in this area

Now the two questions you might think of
1 How do I pay without ads?
The explanation goes on, but like the mining process, the person making the mining gets an equivalent
Content Maker gets an equivalent through the content industry, blockchain is organizing the process of giving the reward
There are computers and devices that process the currency mining part of the steam that is mining goes to the site to pay users almost 1% of annual production (this is the source of payment to users)
You can imagine the value added by the users of the site for this currency .. The more users and deal with this currency will increase in value (and this assumes that you grabbed the tip of the thread to answer the question, what will benefit from the establishment of this site based on that currency ?!)
2 How do I register ? How to drag my money from the site?
Registration on the site is done routinely but approval takes longer and you can not use the site for publication and participation only after approval.

Before concluding I would like to say something about your whole life and not just the site
Do not wait until you're 100% ready if you like the site. Go to it and use it even if you do not know the language; do not wait for your motivation to come to use it if you wait a long time and if the stimulus comes quickly. (I think you've always tried this feeling) That stimulus quickly become bored or tired and leave it and wait to come again)
Forget about motivation, it wastes you a lot of time and opportunities and program yourself to do what you have to do.

In conclusion, do not forget that the site is for social networking and friendships make sure that people participated there. There are chat sites between the users of the site (as a third party) well exploited it is a good source for friends, followers and readers.

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