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RE: Your Future With Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago

Yes, I read her explanation and it doesn't apply to what I am curious about. Her scenario with Udemy is not a good comparison in my opinion, as Udemy is set up for students to purchase courses/information, wherein this is supposed to be about building communities. However, I am wondering if this is really the case now. For every investment, whether it be time or money, there will be expectations. Let me explain.

Suppose I have you and four others at the top of my list of quality folks I want to interact with and grow here. Below you 5 say there is another 40. But 3 of you in my top 5 (and for this scenario lets say you are one of the 3) plan on bolting as soon as EOS releases their thing, or when one or more SMT communities come along. Those are the dreams of the 3 of you, not my dreams. My dreams/expectations are here on Steemit.

As you have mentioned yourself on your blog, there isn't enough vote to pass around to all the quality posts/people in our circles/communities (which flies in the face of the argument there isn't quality content here). So using the above scenario, as much as I love the posts you do, the work you do here I would like to know if you plan on jetting from here instead of staying and building. And if so, I would rather give the scarce upvotes I have to those who do plan on staying and making here last, making here a better place. One of those 40 below you who plan on staying and making this place the community. Because our shared expectations are more aligned.

I didn't join Steemit to play follow the group from one fad to another. And it is perfectly ok for everyone to have their own dream and do as they would. I am just curious what those dreams are for those I have been trying to build this with. Every one of you I have followed are bricks in my version of this community. Just trying to figure out which ones may be the cause of a faulty foundation for me. And in all fairness, I would make a horrible foundation for those wanting to jump ship as I outlined, as I am not going to be following them. And perhaps that's what most here are going to do, and if so definitely I will need to reshape my expectations.

Every time we log in, it is with some sort of expectation. There is always a reason we do the things we do. I have laid bare my reasons for being here, my expectations of the platform long term. Hoping to get some of you to share your own.


if you plan on jetting from here instead of staying and building

Thats a good question and deserves an honest answer

My plan has two options . 1) Steemit becomes a big deal and very successful 2) Steemit fails

I will be right here to see 1st hand which one happens no matter how long it takes .
I will protect my time or investment by powering up . either way Steem will still be there .

I will not vote for witness who are looking at any other option then Steemit . I will only support people or engage with those of like mind
This is a long term deal for me with no other option
I have been invited to other platforms by 3 people and declined . I do not jump from one fad to another . I have learned that the grass is not greener on the other side .

I have and are doing what I am doing in helping others and have not gone in the direction of self preservation at the expense of others and will not . I am trying to work smarter on this platform and help others do the same . Those who want to go I say , Bye - good luck

That's my take in a nutshell and I am not alone

Thank you :)

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