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RE: The link between satisfaction and user retention

in #steemit6 years ago

I feel like a broken record here, but there is a lot of effort put forth to make sure expectations are not realistic, especially by one of our top scammers, erm I mean witnesses. The one who last I saw (I don't follow him) was trying to release a token without actually having a token. A pretend token based on no contract?

I came here based on videos from the witness I alluded to above, as well as many people from what I have seen. Then, it seems most are unwilling to look long enough as I did after those expectations are shattered to see what is actually possible if one puts in the effort. And lord forbid the thought of actually investing ones own money should be part of any plans here.

As we see growing in society, the idea of ownership is being replaced for to many as an idea of entitlement. I am not rich, and I have used position trading to invest in my stake a little. I also invest in delegation rental to try to encourage others to stick around by allowing me to vote with the slider and do so without the vote being a crumb that is not counted. Not because I am a saint, but the more of us who grow here the better for all of us.

You are a perfect example of one who took charge/responsibility for your growth here. I had never heard of you, and you started the 7 day gratitude challenge. I learned many things from it (including I won't be doing any more challenges, lol) including who you were. Now while it is true we don't interact a whole lot, so far that project you created and rippled out has garnered you several upvotes from me, and many more over the coming years (if Steemit makes it). How many others like myself became aware of you all because you took charge?

Many people are shortsighted, even among those who stay. Imagine if we all had this same opportunity with Bitcoin or Ethereum when they were worth only a couple of bucks. Suddenly those .002 payouts that look like crap now suddenly look like one might have been way overpaid.

I see this, and I am going to claw my stake as hard as I can, even when it usually is such a small amount (for now). Investing as I can as well. And while doing this, I get the chance to hand money to worthy people/projects simply by smashing that upvote button and handing a small slice of the pool to those I value. This is possibly the sweetest system I have ever witnessed.


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