The Importance Of Water And Staying Hydrated.

in #steemit6 years ago

Hello Boys and Girls Of Steemit,

Taking water and staying hydrated is something that I think lots of people take for granted. So I decided to do this post to highlight the importance of water.
We all know that the human body is more than 60 percent water. Blood is 92 percent water, the brain and muscles are 75 percent water, and bones are about 22 percent water. A person can survive for a month or more without eating food, but only a week or so without drinking water. Most of the healing and important functions in our bodies rely on water. If you are sick , on medication and are not taking sufficient water then your medicine will take longer to work.That medicine may also be poisoning you as toxins (by-products) accumulate in your system.

It is recommended to take 6 to 8 glasses of water everyday and your urine can be a good indicator of just how well hydrated you are. To guide you,here is a chart I found on google.

urine chart.jpg

Once you are well hydrated you will have more energy, your skin will look great and all your internal organs especially the liver and kidneys will function optimally. Being constantly dehydrated over a period of many years leads to formation of kidney stones and other negative effects. Anyone who has had kidney stones will tell you that the pain is no joke. It's far worse than your worst toothache. So don't forget to keep hydrated all day long.

Did you know that water can be used as medicine too? A few years ago I read an article about how in ancient China, water was used to cure a myriad of disease and conditions.They call it water therapy and this is how it works. First thing when you wake up take one liter of water at once (nonstop). Give your tummy a light massage just around the belly button and below. Do some light yoga or exercise and that's it. Wait 1 to 2 hours then eat your breakfast. This therapy has some amazing health benefits over the long term. If you get onto google you will find plenty of articles on it and just how awesome it is.

Your urine's colour could also be determined by the food you eat or can be an indicator of a disease. Here is another chart from google that tells you more ;


So whatever you are doing or wherever you are, think about your state of hydration. Also avoid drinking from plastic bottles especially if those bottles have been out in the sun. This is a controversial issue that requires a whole new post to explain. You could take plain tap water depending on your location- boil it if possible. However, the best water is the one that has gone through reverse osmosis (RO). The RO removes heavy metals, fluoride and other toxins.

Take care boys and girls......Remember to upvote if you liked this post. Also feel free to comment your thoughts below.


Is it ok if you pee first thing in the morning and your urine is dark yellow?

I think it is ok;that is because you have been asleep for 6 to 8 or more hours and waste has been accumulating. The best thing is to re-hydrate before having your breakfast. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your comments

Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your comments.

Ok. Thank for replay. I like this post. Urine is very important for diagnosa us kidney. Great post bro..u are well come

I was just checking mine out the last two days. I was def a little dehydrated!

Yeah...most people are living dehydrated without even realizing it for years on end. Start taking just a little more water through the day- u will feel and look great. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your comments

This is great info to have! I have always wondered what the difference was! I also noticed that when i drink more coffe than tea it has an effect as well. Thanks for the post @practicaleric!

Yes...that is because on average coffee has more caffeine than tea and you know caffeine has a dehydrating effect. So double up on your water intake and you will be ok. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your comment :)

"You're not sick, you're thirsty!"

LOL...I didn't say you were sick...being thirsty for long can pose a health risk that can lead to u being sick.

I agree. It's been seen that chronic dehydration can lead to all sorts of illnesses.

Sometimes mine is darker yellow. Now I know I have to drink a bit more :D

You sure do :)

Thanks for the pee info. I have a comment and a question: First, I made a point to drink 3+ Liters of water per day, every day for 67 days. I recorded my progress every 10 days and noted how I was feeling, looking, et c.

My skin got a lot clearer, I had to pee a lot more, and I felt...clean on the inside. Hard to say beyond that. Thank you for this chart.

Question: I've heard from multiple people that your pee shouldn't be clear like water, but instead should be just slightly yellow. It's hard to tell from your chart if it's actually clear, or as they say, just a tad yellow. Can you shed some light on this question of which is better?

That's some great news, believe me you, the internal benefits are greater than what you can see outwards (clearer skin). This along with clean eating and exercise will help you avert most of the chronic lifestyle diseases. As per your question on clarity of pee, it is not set in stone, it should be slightly yellow. If your pee is crystal clear consistently through the day it means you are going overboard. We all know too much of anything is poisonous and the same applies to water.If you overhydrate your body will begin to lose electrolytes which is detrimental. Health experts authorize 6 to 8 ounces which is 2 liters per day but some studies have shown up to 5 liters is ok depending on the climate where you live, your BMI and energy expenditure. So if you are within these ranges it's ok.

Great and very helpful comment. Thank you. Yes, my girlfriend also corroborated that if it's all clear all the time then the kidneys are working overtime. Plus peeing constantly is annoying. I think that is the body's way of saying "Chill out!"

Too healthy, you have my resteem.

Hey man, just wanted to let you know that you won the 10 SBD giveaway from @crypt0. We'll be sending that your way soon, thanks for participating! so happy and excited about that win, you and Omar are doing such a fantastic job. I am grateful and do appreciate winning the 10 SBD. I wanna say a big thank you to both of you. See you on the podcast :)

No matter how much water I drink I feel like it’s not enough . Lol

Hehe...Keep satisfying your thirst as much as possible, just don't over do it. You can have up to 2 liters a day....

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