¡More Experiments! Yeah, another one: *Snack Content* "If the people can't feel significant while they are in a place, then, they won't do anything significant either"

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Irrational <=> Emotional <=> Choices

"I've found recently that there is only a way I could possibly create Snack Content with just a few words along"

Only, if I write what we'd call "Short Surreal Articles" exclusively. And therefore, allowing that only my now usual 'Abstract Aural Bit' in my posts take charge of the whole weight of the 'thought provoking' content and speech of my story.
(After all, I guess I've never been a fan of Extreme Naturalism - Impressionist Paintings either. Those paintings where everything has been masterfully & too realistically captured and pictured on the canvas until the most minimun detail. And in consequence, practically leaving no room to your imagination to catch any other message behind that impressive Piece Of Art. Well, at least, anything else beyond of think & say: ¡Wow Look! that painting looks really like a True Photo.)

Hence ¡Welcome Surrealism! Hey! Hi! happily there I will go!!

So, let's say, I will do my best effort to try reduce my usually Wordy/Verbatim articles to the minimum. From now on, until the end of this month, while 'Tha Steemit Experiment' last. Just to see what results I can get and confirm if these bring any difference compared against those results which I've already got with my previous longer/wordy posts.

In any case, I'm almost sure and willing to bet I won't get any of your well appreciated comments on these next posts either. But yeah, ¿What else you could try in order to make & launch new experiments in the quest to test & witness a change?

After all, this is actually a well known issue, that on Social Networks, people attention span is very dim & short as for pick, bite and digest new info. Especially exposed to this humongous ocean of daily infoxification. Because ¡yes!, nowadays you always MUST talk to their off-guard Emotional Being first, their distracted Irrational Being second and after that, if anything, trying to keep your enthusiasm and their curiosity and interest afloat, barely leave them with the absolute freedom of moving around lightly and fluidly across the rest of your dancer's content and/or stealthy message if you've been kind of successful stimulating enough their delicate palate 'at the first bite' with a high dosage of promising Unknown Flavors & Tastes they've never tasted before. Otherwise, forget about hoarding any interaction. They will always gonna enjoy more their jolly trip behaving like the true hummingbirds they really are. No more, no less.

Meanwhile, ¡WE/US! 'feedback hunters' will have to wait till the current 'steemit's experiment' settle down off its dust. And eventually, we can clearly see again if that massive & collective Happy Dance which we seemingly have seen to gambol a year ago, at the beginning of this fest, comes much more stronger & healthier than never before.

¿Am I Lying On The Truth here?

¿Are you with me on this folks? ¿Yes? Well, then say so below!! Rest assured I will feed you with more Surreal Nectar over there also. ;)

"Guffaws, Chuckles, Giggles, Smiles, Comments & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"


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