Believe me! This is the reason i joined steemit :)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Everyone certainly has a different purpose or intention to participate in this Steemit community. In a large dictionary of Indonesian language purposes can be interpreted as bow, direction, purpose, demands, have a purpose, or there is something aimed to achieve a desire. Before discussing what my main purpose of joining steemit, I will explain some reasons first:

First, Steemit appreciates every work, idea, or paper we pour in its kuminitas. It proves how when everyone who comes into our homepage and vote on our writing, then automatically steemit will give us points in the form of dollars. Surely this is very different from other social media application community, for example facebook, instagram, or even blogspot though.

Secondly, Steemit will give the producer to us through a vote pressed by each of our visitors. Even steemit can be useful as our additional income through online media that the process will also be different if for example you have an online store, of course there will be many things that will complicate you, where you have to serve every buyer you and even if you can not manage it you can go bankrupt . This is very different from steemit here you just need to post the writing or drawing and without you realize every day your income will increase with your own. Why is steemit so tempting? In fact, now many people who have been successful through this community, for example the perpetrators of bloggers who have now moved into the community steemit. Of course many reasons why they switch from blogspot blogspot enter steemit community, one of them is advertising, yes diblogger we earn income through advertising, but it all need a very long effort. Just imagine you are waiting for people to go to your blog yard then not necessarily sure they will click the ads that you link your blog. So, the point is that Steemit is one of the very simple income-generating communities. But you need to know, that's not my main goal, but more than that, more than that.


Third, through steemit we will get a lot of insight, just imagine this community joined many people who they work differently. For example in the field of photographi, artist, novel. Well, through each of their posts we will get a lot of knowledge and lessons that are very valuable.

Fourth, We can build communication with the artar of foreign citizens, india, china, indonesia, jamaika, africa, america and others. Of course in that case we are required to be able to master several languages ​​of the world and can appreciate any differences that exist.


Fifth, Take advantage of steemit as a place for imagery, if you fall into the category of people who love your country, nation and tribe, you can publish all these things in this community and provide information to the outside world about your country. interesting right ?


That's about my reason for joining this community, but more than that, my main goal is to establish communication with international citizens, add knowledge, insight, education, experience, and pour my every inspiration and aspiration through writing. This paper I dedicate to beginners who just joined in steemit like me, hopefully can be useful. :) for the masters in steemit please permit to share and post input in which is still somewhat lacking.

Indonesia :

Setiap orang tentu memiliki tujuan atau niat yang berbeda untuk berpartisipasi dalam komunitas Steemit ini. Dalam kamus besar bahasa Indonesia tujuan bisa diartikan sebagai busur, arahan, tujuan, tuntutan, punya tujuan, atau ada sesuatu yang bertujuan untuk mencapai suatu keinginan. Sebelum membahas apa tujuan utama saya bergabung dengan steemit, saya akan menjelaskan beberapa alasan terlebih dahulu:

Pertama, Steemit menghargai setiap karya, gagasan, atau tulisan yang kita tuangkan dalam komunitasnya. Ini membuktikan bagaimana bila setiap orang yang masuk ke homepage kita dan memberi suara/vote pada tulisan kita, maka secara otomatis steemit akan memberi kita poin dalam bentuk dollar. Tentunya ini sangat berbeda dengan komunitas aplikasi media sosial lainnya, misalnya facebook, instagram, bahkan blogspot sekalipun.

Kedua, Steemit akan memberi produser atau pemasukan kepada kita melalui pemungutan suara yang ditekan oleh masing-masing pengunjung kita. Bahkan steemit bisa bermanfaat sebagai penghasilan tambahan kita melalui media online sehingga prosesnya juga akan berbeda jika misalnya Anda punya toko online, tentu akan banyak hal yang akan menyulitkan Anda, dimana Anda harus melayani setiap pembeli Anda dan bahkan Jika Anda tidak bisa mengelolanya Anda bisa bangkrut. Ini sangat berbeda dengan steemit disini anda hanya perlu memposting tulisan atau gambar dan tanpa anda sadari setiap hari penghasilan anda akan meningkat dengan sendirinya. Mengapa steemit begitu menggoda? nyatanya, kini banyak orang yang telah sukses melalui komunitas ini, misalnya para pelaku blogger yang kini telah pindah ke komunitas steemit. Tentu banyak alasan mengapa mereka beralih dari blogspot masuk ke komunitas steemit, salah satunya adalah masalah dalam beriklan, ya diblogger kita memperoleh penghasilan melalui iklan, tapi itu semua butuh usaha yang sangat lama. Bayangkan saja anda harus menunggu orang masuk ke halaman blog anda maka belum tentu yakin mereka akan mengklik iklan yang anda di link blog anda. Jadi, intinya adalah bahwa Steemit adalah salah satu komunitas penghasil pendapatan sederhana. Tapi Anda perlu tahu, itu bukan tujuan utama saya, tapi lebih dari itu, lebih dari itu.

Ketiga, melalui steemit kita akan mendapatkan banyak wawasan, bayangkan saja komunitas ini bergabung dengan banyak orang yang mereka kerjakan secara berbeda. Misalnya di bidang photographi, artis, novel. Nah, melalui setiap postingan mereka kita akan mendapatkan banyak pengetahuan dan pelajaran yang sangat berharga.

Keempat, Kita bisa membangun komunikasi dengan artar orang asing, india, china, indonesia, jamaika, africa, amerika dan lain-lain. Tentu dalam hal ini kita diharuskan bisa menguasai beberapa bahasa dunia dan bisa menghargai adanya perbedaan yang ada.

Kelima, Manfaatkan steemit sebagai tempat untuk pencitraan, jika Anda termasuk dalam kategori orang-orang yang mencintai negara, bangsa dan suku Anda, Anda dapat mempublikasikan semua hal ini di komunitas ini dan memberikan informasi ke dunia luar tentang negara Anda. Menarik kan?

Itulah alasan saya untuk bergabung dengan komunitas ini, tapi lebih dari itu, tujuan utama saya adalah menjalin komunikasi dengan warga negara internasional, menambahkan pengetahuan, wawasan, pendidikan, pengalaman, dan menuangkan setiap inspirasi dan aspirasi saya melalui tulisan. Tulisan ini saya dedikasikan kepada para pemula yang baru bergabung di steemit seperti saya, semoga bisa bermanfaat. :) untuk para empu di steemit mohon ijin share dan masukan .


Welcome to the community!

Welcome to

baby WELCOME.gif
Babies are cute, Steemit make you go coo, here's an upvote, from me for you.

Thank you for coming my comments, hopefully we can continue to communicate!

Welcome to steemit family , you belong to the new technology , a social media that pays, feel free to post anything that you want, have fun and enjoy your stay ;-))

Thank you for commenting, I hope we will continue to be able to communicate in this community. Best wishes !

Very cool goals. It is very ambitious, how would you like to implement it in the long run?

Thank you for commenting ... as much as possible I will try to continue to be committed in that regard, I try to will add my insight through this community and will always share the post either in the form of writing or drawing to give inspiration, knowledge, insight, and education For members in this community. I hope we will continue to communicate through this community, best wishes!

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Thanks You !

Sup! I saw that you are new on steemit so welcome to the steemit platform. One upvote from me and maybe upvote some of my stuff too!
I know how hard it is to receive upvotes on a new account so you should try out Steemfollower where you can earn up to 5x more steem than just upvoting by yourself! It's a simple and safe vote exchange that is free to use. I compiled this post to explain the system in more depth and it has become my most upvoted post yet.

Thank you for sharing information with me! I hope this communication will continue!

welcome to Steemit @ponpase I do hope that you will have a wonderful time on this platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help.
Please Follow me @Fshllc so that I can be able to see and read your posts, I will comment and upvote the ones I like :)
Let's stay connected and support each other by following, commenting and upvoting each other's posts because together we are strong!

Thank you for appearing in the comments, a very interesting invitation, I also hope that we can continue to communicate through this community. Best wishes..

Thank you for the follow @ponpase, I am glad to be connected to you on Steemit.
Check out a blog that I just wrote, I look forward to your feedback by commenting, I find you like it you can upvote. Resteembot if you think your audience will find it beneficial. Have a wonderful day :)

Thanks you, thank you for your offer, I will do, hopefully you also do the same thing.

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