My one year steemversary - The journey so far

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I didn't even know, but I received a message congratulating me!

How about that, huh? It's been one year on this awesome platform. I've had so much fun here and I really enjoy the community. Any drama tends to blow right past me, or I rarely feel like getting involved and for the most part, none of us really have to anyway. Whale wars with flags, not much most of us can work with, so the only flags I give are for plagiarists and spammers.

Anyway, I went to negative quite quickly there, let's change that subject!

First of all, I want to give a big thank you to my followers and regular readers. I'm grateful for all of the upvotes and I very much enjoy all of your comments! You make me feel wanted and you make me feel missed when I don't post for a while. That is a very big deal to someone like me, who always felt invisible.

So, a year on Steemit. I remember at the start of this journey, I set a goal to one day earn so much here on Steemit, that I'd be able to buy a macro lens for my photography. Let's see...

I think it's safe to say I managed to hit that goal and went on to so much more!

(Though I do still need to actually buy that macro lens...)

I feel like I'm one of the perfect examples of the fact that persistance is most important to succeed on here. I don't chase whales. Heck, I don't think I ever had a post payout with 3 figures. $100 was a goal too far for me, but if you look at what I've managed in this one year, I don't think those high payouts are necessary to succeed at all.

Theoretically, I have managed to earn a full year's wage on this platform. Though in reality, I haven't cashed out anywhere close to that yet. I have never powered down and I'm not planning to anywhere soon. I have made a nice amount trading with the SBD and Steem I haven't powered up, and I am able to take some profit and pay for things now with my Advanced Cash creditcard. Most of my profits are still in various cryptocurrencies though.

My Steemit journey went from trying to post three times a dayto posting a daily morning post, to feeling burned out from posting every day. I have now decided to post only if I have something nice to share and/or feel like writing.

These last couple of months, I have been curating the #gaming tag, together with my awesome co-worker @jodipamungkas. It has been a lot of fun and I am so glad we are given the chance to promote gaming here on Steemit. Things are going really well, but this extra cash flowing into the gaming community also means there are more people trying to take advantage. We've had to hunt down plagiarists a lot and sadly, we don't always catch them in time to deny them any cash. We catch a lot in the end though. Plenty are caught with help of other vigilant gamers and other steemers. For that, we are both very grateful.

I am not setting any new goals for Steemit. I enjoy what I do right now and I will simply continue on like this. I will continue writing about my life, photography, gaming and food, though I do get burned out on one or two subjects from time to time. Bear with me, they will always return in the end.

Oh, I do have one dream goal, which is to live off of my work here on Steemit, or atleast earn an amount I can consider close to a regular wage here in the Netherlands. I would be so happy to keep on doing this full-time, instead of getting a regular 9 to 5 job (which, by the way, isn't 9 to 5 at all! It's 8:30 to 5!). Time will tell if I can keep on living this dream!

P.S.: Did you see this part of @steemversary's comment: "You are one of 10 users who have posted in the last week.", out of the 288 who signed up on the same day! That's a lot of accounts not being used. I guess we also have some voting-only accounts, but not that many. I wonder why these people left. Lack of persistance maybe?

Thanks for sticking by me during this Steemit journey!

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happy anniversary and keep steeming. i agree persistance is key here, many people give up along the way but those who keep on going find a way to make . same lesson in life

Thank you! Yeah, it's sad to see people give up, though I understand their feelings. Glad not everyone gives up :-)

Congrats!!! You started literally a day before me?!

Ooh I did? Well in that case, congratulations with your steemversary too! :D

Yep and you were the only person to comment on my first photo I shared!!

Wow really? That's so awesome! :D

Great job so far, keep up good content and good luck :)

Wow this is awesome congrats, am looking forward to be like you

Congrats dear, happy anniversary, steem on

Hello @playfulfoodie I'm happy for you; I hope to also reach my first anniversary and thank you for the support; let's hope that this year is better than the previous one.

Thank you @henryn2020! I'm very happy to have you as my regular reader and commenter :-)

Absolutely fab post Congratulation :) I am fairly new to steemit but love posting my reviews and blogs . Followed and Upvoted feel free to pop on by to my page have a read of the posts .look forward to seeing more from you stay in touch dee x ,

Thanks a lot Dee! Welcome to Steemit, how are you liking it so far?

Absolutely loving it so many wonderful and interesting people so many great posts! very impressed :)

Aww I'm happy you're enjoying it :-)

Looking forward to seeing more posts from you

I still dont know were to start from but i must say @playfulfoodie you have achieved alot. Now take a look at how far you have gone, it is indeed worth celebrating. Have you taken out your time to calculate how many post you have made then you will know you have really dedicated your time here. Two amazing people i have met on steemit is you and @jodipamungkas. You guys have done more than you know to my life. Once again foodie i say congratulation as more of your needs will be achieved.

People dont know what they are missing, steemit is a goal setter and goal achiever.


Aww thank you so much for your sweet comment :-)

very nice and i love reading your post

@playfulfoodie: I congratulate you and to your regular followers.
I'm glad to meet you here and about your original story

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