
Reddit? There must be more to Reddit than I've seen the half of dozen times I've gone because it just reminds me of boards and forums. Can't we do something to it? Spruce it up a bit?

I'm not sure what I want, but something that allows me to see more of what's been written and get my stuff out to more people who like what I'm posting, be that on a community wall, in their own feeds, or what have you.

Oh I just mean how the communities are organised and managed etc. I don't mean what it looks like or layout wise.

But anyway, an example of what I'd like:

  • Member management (open to anyone, need to be approved)
  • Community management (owner/co owners, moderators)
  • Ability to ban accounts from joining.
  • Management can hide or remove posts from showing in the community page
  • Pinnable posts
  • Different ways to organise posts
  • Community description / stats


  • A way to feature communitys (+searchable in some way)

Probably more things but I fed up typing on phone. Lol

Okay. That all looks good, and seems like I've seen others with that same list. Can't remember if it was ever specified on the steemitblog but it seems like it was. That's what happens to my memory when it's been months since the last mention.

I wonder if there's a way for someone in the community to just work on this and make it happen. Are communities blockchain level or condenser level? I want to say the latter, since it's supposed to go over hivemind and that, if I remember right, acts like a go between, or another layer. Something that's on the blockchain that allows others to build apps on it. Right?

You could just make a website to do all that now, but isn't the point to make it at the blockchain level, or otherwise what is it supposed to be? Guess we will find out in 6 months after it has been enabled.. lol

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