in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

You just wait . . .  until the higher authorities have access to your thoughts!

This topic is the debate of Steemit Whales Downvoting and Our Purpose in life.


Source nsa-surveillance-scandal inspired  The internet got real noisy–– really fast

There are so many intrusions, interruptions and struggles/battles in our lives and that's what makes the importance of meditation and training of our mind priority.

Credit: Sherchle 

It isn't having access to your thoughts it's having access to your behavior and your physical actions that matters.

"Never say anything negative in your life that you are thinking... because it will REprogram your mind by listening to it. In other words, if you said "I can't make money on Steemit unless the Whales Downvote blog posts to help me." 


Hard data to the whale voting debates. @trogdor Anyone have up-to-date stats? Please comment below.  If the community doesn't control GOOD Featured content then who will?

You are, NOW, listening to yourself and reaffirm that you need someone else to help you get Steemit money. You can't do it on your own.

It's the same thing for the whales who think the Steemit community can't work out their own problems so whales are burdened with being what they are not . . . the mini minnow gods. 

What would it look like if we put a label on this kind of thinking?

How does "Poverty mindset." fit?

When you voice it out loud then it becomes more true than when you thought it. Why is that?

Because when you bring it from your mind into your world you are REprograming yourself to believe it even more.

 Credit:   Artwork by Josh Galletly  Reclaim Your Mind

That's what the upper brain is all about. 

The upper brain is to make everything you believe true.

Credit: Bill Domonkos

That's the reason why many saints stressed the importance of getting quiet > going within > training the mind not to be unruly, out of control and easily distracted.


The lower brain the stomach, the gut, the enteric nervous system is a part that is an instinct or innate behavior that is closer to purpose and why we are passionate about certain things, like animals which are closer to spirit than we are.

 Credit:   Artwork by Josh Galletly

We need to remember as we get back to our spirit that we do less talking and more walking in our true direction.

"When you know your purpose and take action in they world that is when you know you're unstoppable and anything can happen. It's a wild ride but if  you stay in the perspective of your purpose you are intoxicating." -- pitterpatter

Intoxicating - exhilarating or exciting:

"an intoxicating sense of freedom"

synonyms: heady · exhilarating · thrilling · exciting · rousing ·stirring · stimulating · invigorating · electrifying · inspiring · galvanizing · strong · powerful · potent · mind-blowing

INTENT is what actually happens.

That is what you want to happen!

We fight ourselves because something in our past has damaged us, thus, we become self defeating. All of this can be changed by creating healthy habits which takes 3 months of active participation before we can reprogram an instinctual way.   The parasympathetic synthetic nervous system can be changed both in the body and the mind.  One of the first ways doctors have been doing this is by bio-feedback  in rejecting allergies.

Credit: Navy Seals

"It's what sets  the United States Navy SEALs a part from the normal soldier because s/he has more awareness of controling behavioral things. To the Navy SEAL a  behavior is a tool not a given."  Dr. Richard Alan Miller

Credit: Geege Schuman How To Suffer Better   Science of Performance

If you were born in the middle east the chances of you becoming a Christian was about Zero. It's an arbitray thing when you talk about things like that. Beliefs/behaviors are to be used as tools.

Try to keep an open mind here. 


Just like . . .  if you put a tool aside it doesn't mean you no longer hold that tool but it's not appropriate for the job you're trying to do at that time. In like manner, belief systems can be seen as favorite tools. You prefer one certain hammer over another because you've done more jobs with that hammer. But, that favorite hammer is not appropriate for all jobs. When you look at metaphors like that you can change conditions and your responses.  Power Tools for the 21st Century
by Richard Alan Miller  Clip Art Gallery

We've all been programmed from our teachers, parents and authorities. Many of this  programing could be negative and tramatic. But, this can be a good opportunity when we recognize what is happening to us. We can make the changes we want and need in our life. I know this to be true as a survivor.

The wakening of a human's purpose has no resistence. The universe wants it to happen and there is no fighting for it. Unlike the person that goes through life constantly struggling, fighting and causing wars to get what they think they need and want.

"Man has no idea, yet, what conscious implies" - Richard Alan Miller  

Many thanks to Richard Alan Miller (RAM) for his wise words

Time to SHUT UP & walk my walk

 Credit:  Chocolatewoosh 

 If you liked this blog  post Upvote and if you want others to join into the discussion REsteem. If you have any other ideas on these topics, please comment. THANK YOU STEEMIANS for your support.  

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