in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Everybody wants this.
I've never heard anyone NOT wanting this.
What is this we all want?

Massive growth is what we crave for Steemit
and it's about to bust Steemit's doors down.

giphy (1).gif
Credit: Gif create by Steve Cutts animatIon

The C E L E B R I T I E S are coming > Males are coming > Whites are coming
the Politically Incorrect are coming > Truth Talk Show Hosts are coming
Euroexit voters are coming > anti Globalists > anti Global Warmist are coming
Russians are coming > Freedom lovers from around the world are coming
Everyone who voted for Trump is coming > THE PRESIDENT of THE U.S.A. IS COMING!



Because FB + Twitter + Youtube = Social Media
are censoring and drop kicking
the majority out their doors.

They don't need no stinking majority,
anymore, because they have a sugar daddy
paying them off.

Who's their suggar daddy?
(Crickets sing to the tune of jeapordy
playing in the background)

Credit: Lifehack Quotes

The intollerant Social Networks have 0% tolerarance
so . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HERE COMES THE MULTITUDES.

Will you be happy seeing massive amounts of money/rewards/recognition
going to a few posts > Trump or a superstar

How much will be in rewards pool when a million come?

What new rules will we need in place for an influx of million or more?

What new rules will we need for the Famous to abide by?

Will Steemit need to hold an experiment for the Celebs?

What questions come to your mind?

How will SP Whales feel when minnow celebrites Powerup to #1 positions?

What do steemians need to prepare for the next coming?

Credit: Steve Cutts


I've only been here a short time but in ways think if people sign up to steemit in droves, it will dilute what we have now..along with the masses of facebook addicts that come, would also come the stupid posts, the constant selfies and the bitchiness! It would be harder to find the great creative pieces that I love about steemit. I hope steemit grows but doesn't attract some of the God awful trash you find on twitter and facebook!
I enjoy reading articles and posts that make me feel like I've gained knowledge not loose it!

Nice obversation! However, we think steemit has a system in place and the creative minds in place to create a balance when that happens. In future too, we beleive there will be sub-communities, so each niche can hold its space. Too, mass adoption could mean more value to steem. Great comment though and food for thought. Hopefully, more experienced answers get here. HAPPY COMMENTING!

There is a small group of steemians that have been here since the beginning and have made a lot of money and still want to but Steemit is improving that so great works from new/newbie/minnows can also get rewarded for their awesome posts. You came at a great time.

The more the merrier, meeting lots news people will make Steemit a better place with more interaction:)

I believe this. How will we do this with so many people on steemit? Will that increase bots and auto response? Will it create cliques? How do we greet and show so many incoming newbies the attention they require? Any ideas?

We have all got to get busier on here, hope it doesn't bring owe bots as there a problem already

Yes we do. But, how do we do this? It's so exciting. We are like pioneers.

We just have to do what we can do :)

I must not be asking the question right. How about this. What do you do to or would do to help the thousands of new people coming to Steemit. Is there anything we can join that helps with this? I guess what I'm looking for are people like you who have experiences with Steemit growing. I know I can invite new people here that have thousands of followers but I need to know if Steemit is set up to welcome them and their followers. I know as an idividual I can comment and do my best to UPvote intros, follow and comment, to learn all I can about Steemit. But there must be more so newbies don't fall inbetween the cracks.

Just keep doing what you are doing, the and check out the new page a few times a day to interact with newbies who will then hopefully do the same

OK ... that must be how you are doing it. Thanks.

It will be a fine old place. Probably be weird as well but you get out what you put in so I welcome it all!

I do want this. I hope all do but as a minnow I don't have as much to lose as a SP Whale would or even a dolphin. I think everyone has a different vantage point and I can only hope most would see it the way you do. Only way to find out is to discuss and build up a stronger community.

It will be interesting to see. I think we could get by fine without the celebs, but I suppose it will be inevitable. If the platform grows, they will come...

I'm not sure celebrities opinions hold much weight anymore....

That is exactly how it goes, keep on keeping on. We here to spur you on!
Deep down, no one is just a small fry. We all constitute more. Keep being modest!

Hah! Thanks. Nah, it's not modesty, I just started on Steemit. But I do get that this site can be bigger than the metaphorical sum of it's user base. Big and small alike play a part in that.

I believe the left has taken over the platforms and pushing out diversity of thoughts, beliefs, gender, race, creed, political party . . . Everyone that Twitter/FB/Youtube silences are looking to bail for a better community.

Yep exactly, for the most part you're right

Mainstream social media is now taking away freedom of speech from independent thinkers and the right which will bring people over to other platforms.

only been on steemit a few days, already a helluva lot better and enjoybale than the few years i used twitter. Two different beasts i know but Steemit is just alot more enjoyable then like 90% of all other social media sites I use. And Steemit proved itself in a matter of days...

Well welcome to Steemit. I noticed you didn't do a intro, so I will welcome you here lol.
I'm trying to get my other social media friends to make the move.

Thanks for the welcome! No I havent made an intro yet, but I will. Busy life with kids:) But Steemit is cool!

I am following you halfdime. Looking forward to your intro. Steemit was built for you to shine.

Thank you so much, I am following you now as well. And love the gif, love Carlin and love Bill and Ted!!

As a minnow/newbie you are doing the right thing > getting to know Steemit and the community. It's not that easy with so many posting. There are many who cut and paste with no credit and there's not enough time to check all the new people on this issue. You are wise letting people know who you are with the introduction and commenting on a lot of posts. You are doing it the right way.
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Resist, never desist! Thank you for the follow!

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