How to make your posts look a bit better so maybe somebody will like your effort?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


In response to a fellow Kiwi steemian, @clouda, asking if anybody had any good info to share in regards to making more attractive posts we thought we would share how we do things. Here are some useful tips.


Check out the Markdown Styling Guide
A good start is to read through the Markdown Styling Guide and try to memorise the useful shortcuts to creating italic or bold text as well as how to make tables and

  • put
  • things
  • in
  • bullet points.

We have a tendency to forget that it can be easy as adding ** either side of a word to make it bold.


Basic html can be used very effectively to create good-looking posts.

For example. To get the numbers 1 and 2 to be headlined and centred, as in the last two paragraphs, you can use the following html codes.

html code 1.JPG

Note that we have added another centre code to get this screenshot image to be displayed in the centre of the screen.
You should also note that the word centre must be spelt like the American spelling, center for the code to work correctly!

Different types of headline font can be achieved by substituting 1 for 3 or 6 or other numbers. The higher the number the smaller the headline font will be as shown below.

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3


Making links.
You can easily link to other addresses on the interwebs by using the following code.
html code 2.JPG

Insert the desired web address after the first " and before the / that comes before the next ".
Where the text in the example above says Google Maps you can put any text you want.
This text will then show as a hyperlink to the content you have selected.
This content can be another of your own posts, a different steemians posts or profile or somewhere else on the webbers entirely.

As an example here is the original post by @clouda that prompted us to make this post.


Another way you can beautify your posts is by using dividing lines.
The code below will get you a simple dividing line that you can be put between photos or subjects.

html code 3.JPG

It will look like this.


It has been made by using the = symbol. Other symbols can be substituted as you see fit.
You can also add emojis or your own resized images to the lines to make them look even better.

Here are some examples.




Note, however, that if you go over 40 characters, 40 ='s in a row you will overreach the page width limit. Emojis only take up one space but your own images may be larger than that.

For example this divider of ours has only 9 characters either side of the pirates image (created by @borganic).


Some basic Photoshop skills can help as can the following resources.

A whole heap of useful emojis can be found here
And this page will help you to resize images easily
You can also add effects and filters.
Promoting your posts at least once a day on steemit chat can also help garner some support.

Hope this helps and gets you started making some snazzy looking posts.
It is, in our experience, a matter of experimenting until you find something that fits you.


This is such a great post! Thank you so much @piratefoodco

Ye be most welcome matey. :)

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