How Micro-transactions will Change the World!

in #steemit6 years ago


What’s up Steemit! Today I want to talk about a fascinating topic. And that is going to be how micro-transactions will change the world. So why is micro exchanges of value a big deal? Because we can give value faster and easier. So how we usually have traded value has been with physical Fiat money bills or via a Bank transaction. So the system of value exchanges has been very controlled. This has made it so growth has been much slower.

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So what has changed? Well now with the invention of the Blockchain anyone can easy give out value to other people in form of Tokens that can later be traded into Fiat that you can use in the real world. And the best part about Tokens is that some take 0 fees and transfer speeds of 3 seconds to another user! This is insanely fast and a total revolution! Because this system gives more Speed and Value and saves you Time and Attention it will eventually be adopted. Since we humans always want to do stuff faster! This also makes it so we can spread wealth much faster and easier. This means we can 100x the speed of innovation!

So for example you can make 100 people happy today by sending them some small value in form of micro transaction! This was impossible in the old system since the fees would eat you up and it would take too long! So now with this powerful technology being out it’s all about who can generate more value in less time. It’s about who is the fastest of taking advantage of this amazing opportunity! Especially if you can see the big picture you can see how massive this is! Also remember that what is value can be very subjective and up for discussion. Since content creation is easier it becomes less needed. It's more about trust and building relationships and doing something original.


How will this system improve more in the future? The way I see it is that everyone will have a virtual wallet inside their phone and always carry it with them. And every time you get a nice gesture from a person in less than 1 second you can send them some value to show that you appreciate what they did. This will also train people to do more than what is expected of them! They will detect that they are being more rewarded for it! This is a more fair system! It’s what I would like to call value optimization. We are tweaking where value should go down to the smallest millimeter. We are tweaking and improving how much value we get in return for every second we spend. Our seconds becomes more profitable so it becomes worth it to work harder and more effective!

In the old model majority of humans the last decades has been salary slaves. This means that for most of the time you are not being rewarded with more money even if you expand more energy. In this new system if you expand more energy and produce more value you will be getting more micro transactions of real value and it will be win-win for everyone. Since that person will become more positive and spread more joy around to his close friends and family. This will cause a massive chain reaction of optimism. Since we are empowering more people with value.


A core reason why we can do this is because the cost of production is constantly going down. At the same time as we are printing more value. So more value is in the system but it’s currently locked up for the majority of time in some investment. If we can make that money flow around more so the owner of it makes more but at the same time so it makes others more too that will be the best system. I call it a tweaked version of Capitalism. And I have called it Blockchainism! I made a DTube video not long ago talking a little bit about it! I’m super passionate about it since we can bring other humans up to higher levels of abundance!

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The core reason why this system works is that it will be more fair but we are still not removing the potential for anyone that want to grow massive! We are not punishing high earners we are just helping them to earn more at the same time that they bring others up. It’s a real win-win system where we get validation fast from the system that it works! In the old system we had to wait a longer time to see if something would become profitable! Clearly it will take many years to implement Blockchainism and Tokenize the whole world. But if you are reading this right now then you are a part of the revolution bringing humanity higher up in abundance!

(The photos are from my Business Shutterstock account)

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