You won't See this on Steemit: 66 Thousand 'Hate Posts' Deleted from FB Every WeeksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Free speech is essential for maintaining our sovereignty. Yet as we move further towards a planetary totalitarian order, political correctness, 'fake news' propaganda and outright censorship are an integral part of the transition.

Now of course I don't want to see people hating on their fellow man just because of a few differences in race or creed, or the silly infighting that occurs within the truth and freedom network for that matter, but once structural censorship is implanted into the way information is disseminated throughout society then we're on a slippery slope to full-blown enslavement.

They sell it well, though:

"Facebook currently defines hates speech as “anything that directly attacks people based on what are known as their ‘protected characteristics’— race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, or serious disability or disease,” wrote Richard Allen, Facebook’s vice president of public policy for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa."

After all, who would argue with that?

For the full article, see here.

The war on information has really stepped up a gear over the last several months. On Tuesday, Facebook announced that over the previous 2 months around 66 thousand posts were on average deleted each week because of their hateful content. This is not isolated to FB either, as most of us would know. YouTube has been demonetizing videos from all angles of truthseeking investigation. The truth is being put on lockdown by the control-system simply because it is outmaneuvering the propaganda encoded into the official narratives.

This is simply why Steemit is the future. As more people wake up to the fact that they've been highly programmed and their rights are being stripped from them in front of their eyes, it's platforms like Steemit that are going to be the pioneers in maintaining our freedom. So tell all your friends and family to come join this revolutionary platform, because without it we may as well just put the chains on ourselves.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to those who upvote, comment and follow.


Steemit rocks, this whole cryptocurrency thing is awsome, that is untill the vampires come out lol...

Another great post Phil, yes the cracks in the wall are showing so obviously now and the lies we're being feed are almost embarrassing ...................almost!
For me personaly, I've deactivated my FB account and go lightly online now (no I'm not paranoid at all) I just find it take/steals my time that is better spent with family and setting up my gardens and community networks.
I moved from the city 7 months ago and am now off grid in power and water. I'm already swapping ideas and plants etc with neighbours as this is what is so needed now.
Love your truth Phil
Hope alls Organically Bliss in your realm ;)

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