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RE: Hypocritcal transparency bot.

in #steemit6 years ago

This is the last thing we need on here at this moment in time .. sure flagging is valid for people that abuse the system, but you're not abusing and you're putting back far more than you're taking. The platform has trouble retaining users at the moment and this type of thing really doesn't help!


Honestly my friend, tonight I did think about quitting here, it is not that I need or want the money, everything I get on here I put back in on here, it is the fact that this crap goes on, and I am almost at breaking point with this whole thing, I love the people on here, hence why I contribute, I am though now not going to invest my own money, there is no point, when little shitbags like this are running around, I will build some log cabins instead, and invite you all over for free holidays, congrats @bycoleman, you made my mind up, especially when you downvoted the post about me investing on here, massive round of applause to the retard.

Just looking at the trail below shows how fucking ridiculous this platform has become. If something isn’t done about these fucktards soon it’s over.
It’s no wonder the Steem price went off a cliff when investors are put off like this, I’ve resisted the urge to power down and fuck off thus far as I care about many of the contributors here and want to support them however my patience is wearing thin seeing decent people attacked by self righteous wankers incapable of creating worthwhile content determined to act as a quasi-moral compass nobody asked for.
There are many investment opportunities out there in the blockchain space and many coins/tokens/platform won’t survive as we move forward, if a viable rival to Steemit appears soon it may serve as a death knell to the platform as I’m convinced many will move on to avoid the increasingly pathetic flag wars.
Remove the flag system and many of these problems go away, it’s not rocket science.

There you go again showing why we need more people like "you" here, without people like you stating these obvious facts, the almost communistic share everything with us brigade - verging on socialist "I want free stuff" crowd have the most voices, and they do not deserve to have it.

I have reviewed the post that was downvoted and found that this bot was used resteemyou, and that is why your post was selected along with the opt-out of course.

This resteembot is being removed from my list and it is not actually a bidbot and I do not fault you at all for using it.

I cannot upvote the post that was downvoted, but I will upvote this post. (Which was probably about to be downvoted) because it uses buildawhale.

I do hope you stick around, you create great content, but using bidbots is destroying the platform and this is where we have a fundamental disagreement.

I used buildawhale on this post, due to you downvoting two of my other posts, taking away my money to pay towards charities, for every action, there is an equal and opposite one. Newtons Law. now go and look how many of my other posts have bidbots on them hmmm, none.

And I never even used resteem you, so that is a lie also.

Take a look at your votes in steemworld, and you will see resteemyou.

When you use bidbots, you are taking rewards from every other person on this platform. To say you need to take from us all to give to charities, just does not work.

I will not downvote this post, even though you have used buildawhale. But after that you will be back on this list of course unless you choose to opt-in or don't use bidbots on the post.

You really do need to get a girlfriend, or maybe a boyfriend even, get some action, or get outside and feel the sunshine, take up motorcycle riding, get any hobby you want, maybe try watching sport a little, just get a fucking life.

His wife Bernadette is fucking ugly

LOL I would have no idea about that.

What the fuck is resteem you?

Don't leave us @deliberator .. I can certainly relate to what you're saying, and it really leaves a bitter taste in the mouth to see all your hard work being flagged and demonetised :( That was the reason @tremendospecy left .. and so the blockchain lost a valuable contributor and proponent.

Don't give up my friend, we will iron out these problems plus you have so much more to give. The log cabins sound like a great idea though! :)

The log cabins now come first, I will still keep posting, though maybe not as much, I never came for money, in fact I pretty much detest the stuff now, (Fiat anyway) I am just a bit taken aback with the childishness on here at times, as I dare say tp was, I did see the posts getting downvoted by stinc also. So why should anyone invest on here, let alone me.

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