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RE: Introducing the Steem Defender Bot. Designed to Protect Steem From Economic Collapse and Support Minnow Growth (Article)

in #steemit7 years ago

This has really blown my mind. I can only imagine that the independence of crypto currency would allow for that to never happen. There’s always a chance that someone could manipulate anything given the right financial backing. There seems to be way too many smart people to allow this nonsense to occur. I’ve also got a white a few good points here in the same post so there’s only one thing left to do and that’s to keep pushing


Scare tactics, to get you to agree with them. To get you to give up your VOTE on steemit and only vote the way they want you to vote.

Huh? I mean... I vote for those whose material I like... or they act as decent beings... if anyone out there is actually reak

Yes! By proactivley thinking and embodying solutions we will protect our community from all those would attempt to manipulate the steem economy for personal benefit.

It’s kind of already happened though... too dogs kind of horde the wealth... but anything right now for me is great!!

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