Does Renting Steem Power Benefit the Community?

in #steemit7 years ago

I found something curious when I was weeding through the data I generate to find human & bot comment spammers. @rubysteem has $1400+ SBD in pending payouts for 70 comments. I was wondering what kind of insight they had given someone for such a high reward.

Imagine my surpise to see comments like:

Wow...perfect click...I liked your line,"Because the nature of the lizard is sunbathing."

$49.97 Pending

Lovely views....your photos are really good ....I wish I could there to hear the music waves and the tides...thanks for sharing.

$48.87 Pending

Atleast he knows his job :P

$49.90 Pending

The source of their windfall? @simonjones thinks that the only posts worth voting are their own and @rubysteem's. @simonjones recently started renting SP from @minnowbooster and after spending about 8200 STEEM for rent they now have +328,822.305 STEEM POWER for about 4 weeks.

Interesting enough in my research I found this account created by @anonsteem. I have a hard time believing that the same person doesn't own all three accounts.

The first posts they upvoted were.... @simonjones'

Doing a little math the two accounts will have been rewarded roughly 1700 SBD and 1986.996 STEEM for the last 14 days if it all pays out and my estimate on the curation rewards is correct. Doing a quick conversion that is around 3000 STEEM. Please let me know if my math is off. It's been a long day.

Is this going to be profitable for @simonejones? I don't see it but maybe I'm missing something.

What do you think?

Does the overall practice of renting Steem Power benefit the community?


Hi @patrice, Thank you for sharing. I feel your confusion. This is not the first time I hear of similar practice, unfortunately.

@jerrybanfield posted something similar in
except it is even worse, because those people are # 1 and # 2 in terms of post payouts (they make 20K or over). After reading about this, nothing shocks me much anymore.

Hope we will figure out a way to do things better and make them fair for everyone.

Love and peace :)

Haha you are correct, Ialso used it in my recent post for my analysis plus many other links

Interesting! Thanks for sharing the info :)

Mind telling me about @jesta that is upvoting you, if you know anything about it? I have been seeing it upvoting some very small comments of specific people? The payout is not huge but it reminded me of what Jerry has mentioned in his post.

Thanks again :)

yeah why would these guys stop if the top authors are doing it...

unfortunately (sigh)

bots...why is it always bots?

Who said they were bots?

hard to tell isn't it?

Very, and I agree that's a problem..

We sure have a problem, I even analysed it in my recent post with links to cheaters

Good anylsis, there is certainly a problem here and we need more investigators here...upped.I also outlined this issue

Tbh it's all business man, you gotta make money

@ patrice
We need more of you patrice to make steemit equitable and fair. The idea of Steemit is so good that we attract all kinds of people to it. Those that wants to make a quick buck using shortcuts etc. We have to live with them and hope that your post would lead us to a better path.

Interesting enough in my research I found this account created by @anonsteem. I have a hard time believing that the same person doesn't own all three accounts.

I'd say you have a point:

rubysteem paid in block #14,872,220, anonsteem's next account creation was 18 blocks later after that.

It isn't very anonsteem if it's paid from a steemit account directly, I doubt they are making any effort to hide their investment strategy.

so nice post....greeting from aceh, There is a beautiful thing in my post, you will not regret opening it, you will surely enjoy its natural beauty, please please at upvote..thanks ... god bless u

CommentWealth trolls for trolls and spams the spammers... hello again @academix87! Consistent spam comments like yours might eventually result in flags, which hurt your reputation and earning potential. Linking to your own posts in another Steemian's comment thread is really bad form. Next time, try engaging with the author in a way that builds true community here on Steemit!

Very nicely put.

Thumbs up to that!

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