Popular PROBLEM on TODAY!! Computer Addiction!

in #steemit8 years ago

As everyone noticed , children are not the ones that were there before, there are very few children are walking in the street , most stay at home and play computer games , they are called computer freaks . All this is due to poor monitoring of the child.

Dependence on computer games - one of the most serious problems of modern society. They talk about it, along with alcoholism and drug addiction, because in fact, in all the three diseases overall impact - they dominate people, distracting them from the real world and the bright bait very quickly cause a painful addictive. Get rid of the inadequate addiction to computer games is difficult - this process requires the intervention of a specialist, and sensitivity on the part of people surrounding the gamer, as well as his own willpower and desire to return to the real world.
What's dependence?

Most often, depending on both the games and on the Internet and the computer in general, subject to the younger generation. Cases in which an adult would be conscious people spent a day a similar entertainment, are rare. It develops computer this disease is gradual, but if she did not stop in time, that's dependence manifested in extremely severe. This gamer is experiencing psychological and physical suffering, if it at least a couple of hours to tear from your favorite games. In this case, just get rid of the problem does not happen necessarily require treatment.

Signs of #problem gambling
Video game addiction divided arbitrarily into two groups: the desire for the usual computer games and dependence on online games. Symptoms, when they appear, it is worth considering the need of treatment, expressed in changing human behavior. Some specific features help to distinguish dependent gamers from simple Player:

  1. compulsion to check for updates of the game;
  2. a steady increase in the time spent on the computer;
  3. permanent increase in cash costs for paid games and additions to them;
  4. significantly improved the mood of the game and dramatically deteriorate if they are not available;
  5. nothing can distract the dependence on computer games;
  6. a manifestation of aggression against distractions;
  7. neglecting all the important things for the benefit of the games;
  8. the failure in any way to plan their time;
  9. total failure of communication with real friends, the replacement of their virtual companions;
  10. neglect their own health, hygiene and other personal factors shall water in all the same activities.

Do not give children to play in the computer , they become aggressive when playing online , learning the bad manners of others. People who invest their free time to improving skills. Look for time to be with your child , go for a walk with him rather than get rid of it the tablet.

With you was Vyacheslav Smirnov


Nice :D Upvoted

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