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RE: Steemit Quality vs Quantity

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Love your outlook Justin. I think you may be downplaying your own skill though ;) If you continue writing you will get better quite naturally and you do make some good points here. Points often echoed in parts of the community and points often ignored by other parts.

I feel the more I am building my own tribe and network of quality-oriented people on Steem, the less I find myself worrying about the staggering amount of "shitposts", as they are lovingly referred to by many.

It used to bug me to no end, especially seeing trash gathering huge upvotes and bidbot action. But ever since stopping to browse the trending page and deciding to grow my tribe naturally (like you have done with your comment on the recent article of mine) I find worrying about low quality posts has stopped completely. It's like a mental cleanliness habit now to just go by direct contact or promising hubs like groups.

The ego screams at the perceived unfairness of shit getting applause and diamonds getting forgotten. But if you consider seeing the low attention phase as a trial period for your own persistence you will be a winner in the long run - this place digs quality!

Just keep going man, I can tell you from experience quality will be rewarded here and if you don't give up like so many of the shitposters, you will play an important role on Steemit to show those who sign up after us how profound this place can be, if one dares to make their own network of connections in a natural kind of way.

Looking forward to reading more from ya man.
Followed <3


Wow thank you for that comment. I must be honest that this is prob the most motivational comment (even post) that I have received on Steemit. Frankly it makes me want to keep going and rather try to enrich the whole platform than just use it.

It makes sense that the skills that come from researching, writing, trying etc will increase over time, and soon enough all those that you follow and that follow you will add to the experience rather than just be something you do.

I have been trying to go through the new area and connect with new starters, and find posts that catch my eye. But like you said, there are so many of those crappy posts to wade through that it can get really frustrating.

I will keep going! Thanks once again mate!

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