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RE: Don't Get Discouraged, Now is the Time to Grind!

in #steemit7 years ago

You better not quit unless you could really live with it. The awareness circles are alive and slowly finding each other on here, and they MEAN it. I always enjoy your comments when I see them all over the place, but I guess I've never let you know. Now you do ;)


Wow thanks for that.
I don't want to quit, I am a quite sensitive individual, some times the harshness of myself and others makes me sit back a reflect for a bit. Just to ponder how I might have responded to get the desired result.

I only hope to make our world a better place for all of our children to live and have their being.
With all the fake left right paradigm propaganda it is hard to get anyone to understand that we all have so much common ground. You know the common ground is what we all should focus on. For example we need clean air, water, organic food, access to the things our bodies desire.

I was talking to my wife today how animals are allowed to eat and drink what they feel they need to live and prosper. But humans are not allowed to do that. We have to have permission from someone that we would never associate with if we had a choice. And then we can not get what our bodies desire we can only get what they prescribe to us.

Even in law it is this way they tell us that evil is good and good is evil. And we submit because we are afraid to have our lives destroyed.
Most of what we tolerate is contrary to our core human instinct.
I often wonder if we will ever be truly free in this life?
I will follow you I have not run into you on here yet? Thanks again for the kind and thoughtful comment!

"Humans are the only species that have to pay to live on Earth". I still find that idea as powerful as ever. Especially because we have the technology to overcome scarcity if we so choose, but instead we consented to artificial systems of scarcity, and then shut up and keep paying thinking it to be unalterable. Which is insane in light of the facts and our position on the human timeline.

I am zeroing in on law as well. Legal fiction is one of the most incredible things I stumbled upon in the last years, and how they pulled it off bringing us into the fictional domain without us noticing. And the door is slowly closing.

I think we will be free soon. But I have pretty much given up on the romantic idea that everyone will make it to that state of mind in time. To some the door will be left open who decide to go for it in the near future - for the others I fear it will become increasingly pressing and difficult to find the way out as the system amps up its narrative and contemporary fairy tales, to further ensnare those who have not noticed "anything" yet. Or rather, for those who just can't fathom that it was all a lie. They will follow authority to the bitter end, and maybe that's the way it has to be. I stopped wanting to save everyone, I oddly feel it messes with the Earthly story somehow.

We hadn't quite connected yet, we merely had the pleasure of commenting on the same threads, don't even remember now which one in particular. But your way of.... (I remember, it was on the censorship situation with sneak)... your way of speaking straight to the point with that huge wide scope, your screen name and your thumbnail stuck with me, so I needed to build the bridge now before I lose sight of you again.

You are speaking from my heart dude. This bribery society modus operandi has long been bugging me without end, trusting authority in all the wrong places and using money as a crutch to excuse any and all unnatural human behavior as "just the way it is", effectively rationalizing the most backward and anti-life behavior imaginable. And majority deems it normal because it trusts the majority. It's such a circle jerk.

Will write about it next in relation to an ongoing series of catching up to where I feel I am today. I am really excited to read more of your view. It's a pleasure meeting ya man.

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