Welcome to Steemit, Paleo Treaters!

in #steemit7 years ago

Ok, so if you're here it's probably because you read the email I just sent out to the Paleo Treats list. I am PSYCHED you followed the link! Steemit is a little weird and clunky, but it also holds a rad possibility that I think is worth exploring.

You'll find a lot of weirdos on here, and if you've followed me (Nik) for any length of time, you know that I'm both a weirdo magnet and completely in love with weirdos. This is my kind of place. You can explore everything from the paranoid conspiracy folks to Finnish photographers watching ants to amazing musicians and financial wizards. It's all here.

Know up front that it'll take time to explore this thing and that it is frankly a pain in the ass to figure it out. Steem, Steem power, steem dollars, how value is created, the log scale of reputation; it ain't super simple. At the same time, it is. Just add value with every post, comment, like (upvote) or share (resteem), give it a month of daily use and see what happens.

That's what I'm doing, and at the end of it I think we'll all be pretty stoked to have participated in this new experiment.

Steem on, my Paleo Treats peeps (and all other Steemers!)



Hello @paleotreats - Nice intro post to draw new Steemians in :-) Upvoted and followed although I wouldn't class myself as a weirdo!!

Thanks mate! Glad to hear we've got normal people on here too. :)

Thanks for sharing the community @paleotreats. Win win for all! Stay well Wildman!

Yeah buddy, fired up to spread the word!

Welcome aboard! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

Psyched! Hype hype! That thumbnail is priceless :p

Yeah, I was pretty fired up. Still am. :) Cheers, Nik@PT

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