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RE: Misconceptions About Steemit And Possible Solutions

in #steemit7 years ago

I depend on my humour to get some up votes on my comments and i don’t blog because i am not a blogger. But i don’t like to depend on anyone to vote for me. That’s why i am powering up with the new changes to steemit. I can guaranty to pay myself at least a dollar for thinking I'm a funny person lol soo yeahhh that works for me. Makes me happy and that is all that matters and at the same time i pay myself for my time.


That's an honorable approach I guess

hahaha’s working so yeah :)

This guy just gave me a sound idea, maybe i should follow it since it's fucking working

Yeah use it ..before they change it lol Steemit hardforks few times a year :)

Honor before honorary!


Haha! I love this approach! You encouraging YOU! Sorry, my upvote only gave you 0.2 even though giving me a chuckle should be worth more than that!

:) Thanks every lil penny help hehehe

I’m happy for every person that is happy but unfortunately you should expect some flagging from @smackdown.kitty soon.

I'll flag him/her back and mute that way :) it won't exist in my world. Thanks for the heads up.

I comment much more than I post. I’m not sure why self-voting on posts get (mostly) a pass, but SVing comments is where the line is drawn. If that were made law, guess what my blogs posts would start to resemble?

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