What is SteemThat

in #steemit7 years ago

Source: steemthat.com

The founder of SteemThat.com and Steemish had a different vision for how a social media platform should reward their members. Instead of basing the reward on how many tokens a member has accumulated, Eric Binkley, believed it was a fairer approach was to base the reward on the task performed. He created a platform that takes into account the the value and quality of the work product without limiting the reward on a member's standings within the community.

What was created was EPOS, Equitable Proof Of Stake in lieu of POW, Proof Of Work. This method eliminates any bias when evaluating how much a task is worth. EPOS offers a more equitable means of rewarding members where minnows can receive rewards without being limited due to the amount of tokens they possess.

In the SteemThat platform you receive SteemThat tokens for your work. These tokens can be converted to Steemish. Steemish is based on the ERC20 Protocol and can be transferred and stored on a compatible wallet. Eric has been working hard on getting the Steemish token listed on exchanges to facilitate members whom would like to convert their SteemThat token.

Eric has developed a future plan as to the amount of tokens which will be created. In a forward looking plan, he has included some controls so that tokens will be created as they are needed. This will stabilize the value of the token. If you flood the market with too many coins, then the existing coins will reduce in value. He has given thought to ways to stabilize value and increase the utility of Steemish. By increasing the utility of the coin, the coin becomes more valuable.

As of now, membership is without cost but there are plans to begin charging a membership fee. I mention this so Steemians have the opportunity to try out the SteemThat platform and increase their exposure.


I have used and called the concept EPOS on many occasions and it does define the concept very well. Equitable Rewards Distribution For Tasks Performed or ERDFTP might be better hahaha... I could have probably chose a different acronym as I do not want it to be confused with DPOS as it is easy to get confused with different terms. DPOS has to do with a complicated navigation of the consensus of a blockchain. Equitable Proof Of Stake Is A Concept That Is Revolutionary But Solely Has To Do With The Rewards Mechanism.

Which Is Exclusively Purchased On Radex During The Initial Token Event Going On Now...

The whole https://SteemThat.com community helps support each other while we are building the whale pool which will help members on Steemit grow. The Blogging Platform and Social portal is a bonus and can either be developed more or simply continue as is. In the future we could potentially adopt a blockchain such as EOS to facilitate the EPOS in a more fluid manner.

Once Stish is beyond Initial Token Event and People Start Trading it I think it gives real opportunity to people willing to work to get involved in crypto.

You put things into a nutshell fairly well. I do not talk about how awesome this part of the platform is probably. It is revolutionary and can help minnows in the future break into Steem as the value of Steem keeps increasing and putting many new comers simply out of reach of participating in an effective way.

The Equitable Proof Of Stake Rewards Have A 4 Year Plan To Assist In Spreading The Currency Stish. They make up less than 5% of the total circulation of Stish. The Rewards Are Designed And Geared To Help Grow The Community Around The Currency Stish.

Thank for adding detail I miss in my post.

Your post was excellent. I'm attempting to add more value to content through comments. Not sure if it will helpful or not but going to try to do better with my comments in 2018 and try to add real value verses my humdrum .. Excellent Post.. Or Great! I really want people to know that what they are doing means something to me and the community. You taking time out of your life to write an article that goes into great detail about the platform is appreciated just often people can't find the content. I'll share on SteemThat.com soon too.

I have had some success in commenting but not much. I have been trying to get about 4 posts up a day because they seem to have the best payback. I also have been reviewing the people whom vote for my posts but don't comment. I go to their page and read / comment / upvote on their post. I am not a fan of putting into my comments "follow me and I'll folllow you" or "upvote me" or "follow me" because I found that once you follow them they no longer read / vote on your posts. I'm hoping to build a following because they are interested in what I am posting about. I keep experimenting with different techniques to see what is working and I have found the 'holy grail' yet.

It is an amazing platform, thanks for your insight @outwalking of late I have had internet connection problems, need to catch up on everything happening on @steemthat

Sorry to hear about your connection problems. You'll be busy catching up, there has been a lot of improvement to the steemthat platform.

This post has received a 2.75% upvote from @lovejuice thanks to @steemthat. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at https://steemit.com/~witnesses.

Proof of Work.

It sounds like performance-based incentive. That sound really great! I wish that everything will be a success.

It's not based on POW it is based on EPOS. Thank you for your support.

That's quite okay, it is somewhat confusing.

why the ban of my region? (Australia)

I don't believe Australia is banned from joining. I could be wrong but I am unaware of any banning, at least by SteemThat.

It said banned had to drop another country in the ip.. Please check into this

Could you provide more details so I could look into it.


That was painful doing that screenshot

I will forward this to the site administrator. It may have something to with a upgrade / maintenance. The site has had limited access for about 2 or 3 days. But I don't know if your issue is related.

All good. Cheers can you let me know when it's working so I can check it out

Your Web hosting must have a thing against Aussies

Its because your upside down!

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