Are You a Witness ? I have a few spare slots on my card.. Tell me why I should Vote for You.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Witnesses Please Stand Up

Place your right hand on the keyboard, "I do solemnly declare".. No, not that kind of witness. I meant a Steemit Witness and I have a few slots free on my dance card. I have voted for a few people who do good things. I'm not an expert at who's who on steemit. I know / know of a good handful of people who obviously contribute a lot to the platform and I am grateful for their hard work. I think running a node is probably a bit like looking after a pet. It needs walking daily, feeding and if you go away for a couple of nights you really need someone to come in and check it's ok !

41354942874_1000px.jpg original some e-cards design by @outerground

I have free slots on my Dance Card

I would like to fill them up so if you are a witness and you think you deserve my vote, simply tell me why. You may not have time to explain in your busy schedule doing whatever it is you do with blocks but I am genuinely open to ideas about people out there who I may not be aware of. Ok my upvote may be only worth a handful of pennies but my vote is as strong as anybody elses.


No Names Mentioned

I won't embarrass anyone or myself by naming them here. Suffice to say, if you have my witness vote already then you must have done something good, worthy, nice, of technical praise, essential, inspiring or were just kind to me or another lowly minnow (equally busting their asses) to contribute quality content in an effort to make steemit great.

Knock Me out

If it's a technical solution you have come up with (there are very some good ones) or if you provide a particular service, discord support community, run a whitehatbot (a positive use case bot) or indeed contribute anything else to obtain your steemangel wings, let me know and help me fill up my dance card. I generally don't unvote my witness choices so until I have my 30 dance spots filled there is a space for you. I look forward to hearing from you. I'm going to tag this as a contest because the prize is my vote and I have (at least) 10 spots to fill.


How to vote for a Witness

If you are a regular (non witness) steemian and would like to know how to vote for your witness choices, click the menu on the top right of the page. It looks like a little i-ching symbol with 3 lines. 7th choice down. When you click you will be taken to the witness selection page. The top 50 witnesses are listed. You can just click the button next to their name. It's the same button you would use for a post upvote (clever). If your witness choice is not listed because they are not in the top 50, you can search for them using the search bar at the bottom of the list. It is important you vote for your witness choices. Just like politics and voting for your MP / representative / senator / etc, if you don't vote you can't really moan about what happens in your community. It's called democracy. Ask Plato. Witnesses do make a difference and they are rated, based on votes from the steemit users.

doh, If you can't find the menu choice - just click here to VOTE dufus


I work hard and put up with a lot of abuse? Literally & figuratively.

And back to work I go...

@patrice of the steemcleaners @spaminator - We have spoken in steemit chat and you were very cool. I respect your hard work as a pest controller. You just got one vote from @outerground :)


Thank you! I love Gizmo & Gremlins. It's one of my moms favorite movies. Too bad I can't feed the pests to the Gremlins!

my pleasure. My first experience of gremlins was the Bugs Bunny one.. much more laconic and superhuman than the grizzly bunch in (also one of my favourite teen movies) !

Is this introduction of politics to Steemit on the back… wait! Frontdoor!

I'm interested to know which witnesses I don't know about @lighteye and if they can make a case for my vote. It's an interesting feature of steemit and without the witnesses, there's no steem. It's sort of political. Everything in life is a bit political. Steemit is certainly no exception. Having an open, transparent record of everything is how politics should be, in my humble opinion :)

Thank you for your support @outerground! And great post!

Thanks @teamsteem. I'm interested to find out who is out there that I don't know about, in addition to the people I do know about and who I'm aware of. hoping a few more witnesses step forward. I have slots !

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