10 Excellent MUST HAVE bookmarks for STEEMIT Newbies (Steem tools to help you grow fins)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Excellent tools written by Genius Members of the Steemit Community

The coding wizards of Steemit put these excellent web based gizmos together, so you can make the most of your experience here. There are lots of them and there's a link to a comprehensive list at the bottom. Here are the statistic based tools which I've come across, or had recommended to me by Steemians and they all have their own usefulness.

In No Particular Order

They all offer different information and analysis, some deeper than others. Information which may be more useful to you may be less for other people so I'm not ranking them in order of usefulness but I encourage you to check them all out


1) http://www.steem.cool by @blueorgy

Steemcool looks cool. Although simple it has a good visual display of how far your are from your next reputation level. In addition to that it gives you a snapshot of your rep, voting and vested power


2) http://www.steemstats.com by @jesta

steem stats slice.jpg
SteemStats offers a sophisticated and multi-dimensional way to analyse your steem account. Like all good things and steemtools are no exception, you can also interrogate other users data to find the philosophers Steem - the magic ingredient which turns words and pictures into steemgold.


3) http://steemwhales.com/)

steemwhales 2.jpg


Steemwhales is like the Leaderboard for steem. It will tell you where you rank against any of steemit's metricsand show you a day by day track of your progress with % increase / decreases . You may have a low rep but find yourself higher up in posting. You can also read and weep/ or be totally inspired at the wallet values of everyone in the first few hundred ! depends on whether you're a go-getting half full type or a shrinking violet half empty person.


4) http://www.streemian.com



In which case, you maybe shouldn't read steemwhales and concentrate instead on becoming a top curator.. in that case head to http://www.streemian.com where you can learn all about trails and curation and perhaps become a curation legend yourself. Perhaps familiarise yourself with Steemit before taking on Streemian. (maybe not)


5) http://steem.supply by @dragosroua

Steemsupply uses swish generated graphs and pie charts to show you estimations of your upcoming rewards. It also breaksdown how your payouts pan out according to your settings .


6) http://mentions.steemdata.com/ by @furion

Mentions app is a clever gizmo which will find mentions of you. I found out that I'd won a steemituserofthemonth competition and possibly would have never found out if it hadn't been for mentions app. nice one @furion !


7) https://steemdb.com/ by @jesta

Steemdatabase - the beating heart of steemit visualised by the very well organised @Jesta shows you the overall steemit picture as it happens. If you can read the Matrix purely by the numbers then this one's for you. Block height, transactions per second and even includes a trading price / activity snapshot. Pure old school mash-up.


You can look yourself up on the steemDB and it will give you precise block details of your activity and super graphs breaking your account down into the tiniest molecules


8) STEEMFOLLOWERS https://steem.makerwannabe.com/index.php?username=outerground&period=1 by @shaunmza (replace outerground with your username)

steemfollowers does what is says on the tin. It shows you your followers and also who's unfollowed, who's muted and a tangy graph of what they call in sales your retention percentile who's stuck around to listen to your (my) nonsense !


9) http://www.steemnow.com by @penguinpablo

I'm fond of steemnow's streaming data flow of your activity. It also allows you to look at hot trending and new posts in addition to keeping a rolling count of your author and curation rewards


10) http://steemit.chat/home

connections on steemit are complemented by chat. Although many users are gabbling away on slack and swapping links and advice in discord, this is the official steemit channel all in it's own built in userface. Is there no end to the steemit universe


Have a look yourself

at the amazing and organic, growing list of steemtools http://steemtools.com/

A comprehensive, organic and growing list of the amazing toolkit being developed for steemit

this is from steemtools
Disclaimer! This is an organic and live site with the purpose of listing Steem related apps are in various stages of development. Apps linked from this page are not officially endorsed by Steemit.inc or SteemTools for that matter. Neither party can be held responsible for any damages done by using these apps or any misinformation provided through those apps.
If you find questionable apps linked here, please let us know by emailing to [email protected]


wow these look awesome. thanks for the links.

my pleasure.. share and share alike ! remember to come up for air !

Nice post, I'm gonna check some of these out. Pssst Boomarks?

Thanks Mark ! Boomarks indeed ( it's about 30+ degrees here today and the heat is making my eyes wobble.. Steemtools is really interesint, there's plenty of good new ideas popping up all the time

No worries mate, I do it all the time, I have predictive text messaging on my phone so I'm always editing :)

Excellent work! I have a few of these saved but now my bookmarks have grown!

great work by the steemit bods ! and steemtools has a load of stuff to go through !

Very useful compilation with descriptions of features. Well worth bookmarking and referencing many of them. Thanks a lot @underground!

glad you like it. I've found them all very useful ! and provides good insight not just into your own account but others too ( it's @outerground ) but I like your thinking.. I am quite underground, although it's kind of the opposite / innerspace - the outerground

HA! Sorry for the @name mixup! At least I hope you got my upvote okay!

no worries & thanks for the upvote ! always appreciated


A BONUS tool ! this is great for looking up people you want to connect with

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