hardforking the planet

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Suggestions to hardfork the planet in a few weeks from now

change monetary system
The current monetary system on planet earth plunges humans into bigger debts every day, whilst the very few are gaining wealth. Returning a fair balance to the worlds inhabitants, making sure everyone has a fair chance and at least provided with basic means

Decrease exponential growth of human species
7 Billion humans are now on this planet, most scientist suggest 10 billion is the max earth can sustain.

curing human beings from all mental diseases, sickness of greed, fear, violence
Start schooling kids from early age how the inner self and conscious are the best gardens to be maintained throughout life.
Keeping that garden healthy and beautiful will help you more than learning geography.

Making sure human beings live with good intent, love and sharing as primary life goals
There must be more focus on life and networks and self development rather then gaining wealth, greed and a nicer car.

start of with 1 day of total peace in the world
Perhaps increasing that to 365 days a year

Erradicate guns and weapons
Fight with words and refrain from any violence, make sure people grow up in communities where violence is seen as failure. Which it is.

Ah well just something to think about! Better world starts with thyself 😄

hardfork will be actioned soon, stay tuned!


Clever idea. However, I propose a change. Rather than decreasing the exponential growth of human species, consider that the concept of a maximum number of humans on the planets may be a lie, or if you want to be generous, a misperception. In order to make natural resources seem scarce and therefore more valuable in the old monetary system, it was useful to spread this myth. There is plenty of room on Earth for many more people, including all of the resources we could ever need. There is lots of proof/evidence if you want to search this. But, it is much more convincing for you to find it through searching than for me to list the concepts. People are powerhouses of light. The more the better. Instead of planning for a reduction, let's plan how we can create GREAT experiences for the billions of people living on Earth in the future. That's something we can do.

Could well be true, but percentage wise, if we increase population, we also increase the amount of people living in poverty,
Mainly this happens because wealthy people tend to multiply themselves less.
Poor people tend to have less access to contraception and generally take their luck out of having more kids.

Due to the eastern economies rising there is already a reduction in growth at least I seen a youtube video about Bangladesh for instance, population growth decreased considerable there due to better economy.

Well the more people we have the more we have to share our resources, the quicker we empty our resources.
Bit like Steem Power being spread out more and more due to people powering up 😁

I propose that the more people on the planet, the less living in poverty. The more people there are, the more likely that some will figure out how to solve these problems. I've noticed that the people around me with more children work harder and figure out how to make money, because they really need it. Imagine a big field of sweet potatoes growing. A small family could farm some of them. But, if 100 neighbors came over in rotating shifts, there would likely still be enough sweet potatoes for everyone. And, then they all would learn how to grow sweet potatoes, and probably better, too. Problems arise if the original farmers say "nobody else in the world can grow sweet potatoes." But, if you can prevent that, there should be enough sweet potatoes for everyone.

Also, imagine a school with 10 people. They probably have 1 teacher. Now, let's say 50 new kids move into town. Now, the school will hire more teachers, resulting in better education through focus, diversity of experience and more resources. Then, let's say 200 more kids move into town. Now they have to build a building and hire more teachers and managers of those teachers. Soon, those kids graduate, pay taxes and possible donate (if a private school). Perhaps the school has support services for health, mental wellness, family counseling, job placement, meals, etc. and the families get to know each other and help them the same. The ecosystem grows and supports each other. Before long, there are alumni from most walks of life and able to help each other, if encouraged. This model is an example, but should work in many community settings. If there are not enough resources, it can only be because the people with access to the resources want to control and use them elsewhere. Can you think of another reason?

I like your thinking and you are probably right in general terms, but there are issues in countries where the infrastructure can't handle more people on the roads/ more schools.
There has to be room to plant those potatoes. Earthly resources might run out quicker, there is plenty, but already fish stock in the oceans are running low requiring quota on the amount of fish that can taken out of he sea. There are no unlimited supplies.

I am not entirely convinced yet, that although humans are good in adapting and bringing equity to the market as hard workers and inventors.
I think right now if we keep growing exponentially (this might not happen as it might balance out naturally) there could well be a chance of much carbon foot prints/ more wars/ shortage of resources.

In the end what problem is bigger, 5 people running out of water versus 10 people running out of water.

As always the answer is probably somewhere in the middle, my main issue right now and I think it should really be everyone's concern, is the the monetary system.

It is crooked/ corrupt and needs to be stopped! All the debts future generations start with is to us accepting this monetary system.

Only problem is that as long as there are people, there is good and evil. If good tries to live in peace without strength then that is when the evil rears it's head and tries to destroy the good. Just my opinion

Strength is good and the friend of freedom. Additionally, it is possible the definition of strength is evolving. For example, technical ability is a current aspect of strength, taking on greater influence during the past 100 years.

I think things can always be better then they are now. Most people including me are idly sitting by how this monster of a monetary system keeps robbing everyone from wealth and making the few at the top wealthier.
A bit like Steemit right now 😄.
What will it take before we overthrow this heap of .......

Why on earth we accept to live with a system that is so grossly unbalanced and unfair remains a mystery, but I guess those who benefit most of it, slowly see the decline of the system, While those that already new that the system is f.cked are worried more about their primary needs than overthrowing a system that doesn't work.

Anyway, I do think it helps to keep reminding ourselves that we don't need that much in life to be happy and here comes the cheesy part, by sharing, showing good intent and trusting people even though they screw you over.
Things will be better as karma deals with the rest!

Some interesting ideas, the only possible disadvantage being that following them should lead to a longer life which will get us nearer to that 10 billion sooner. Upvoted... aren't we still waiting for your introduction?

Out of my 85 followers you are the only one reading my posts so you may therefore reap awards haha

Well, you know what they say... it's a hard job, but somebody's got to do it... I keep thinking that the next post might be the introduction... I[m always interested by people's user name. Where did yours come from Oodles>

My long awaited introduction will soon happen! I know my following has been waiting for this a long time now.
I feel the tension rising as my introduction will slowly unfold itself. I can't wait to see the crowds go wild as I expose my true self to fellow minnows.

Though be prepared, whilst my introduction will not be without scrutiny, many minnows will most likely frown upon it and discard it as witchcraft as such perfection would not have been seen here before.

For whilst my golden locks will glimmer against the background of a beautiful sunset, I will write my introduction and thou will never be the same again.

For now, I will leave you hanging by saying it is not from Oodles 😛

There is oodles of Oude Kaas where I come from!

Stale cheese ;-) Holland?

yes! I love it!!! oude means old and kaas means cheese!

I can without doubt say you are my best and most trustworthy follower right now!
That doesn't mean the competition is not fierce, I think it must be the holiday season 😛

Haha... No, its because you haven't posted an introduction...

1-0 for you
That is true however the more wealthy people feel the less kids they take, Bangladesh is a good example of that. People there are now going for 1 or 2 kids in general versus a lot more when the economy was crap.

1-1 😀

Living in harmony with the planet and each other is a good thing. Obtainable? The first thought that came to mind about the control of population growth and eradicating all disease and sickness and evil was that 2013 American dystopian horror film "The Purge." Some days it just feels like this is the way the world is headed.

I have to admit I enjoyed watching the purge. haha

I think starting somewhere is a good idea in terms of trying to get rid of greed.
I probably didn't word it right but I mainly meant mental sickness, being sick of greed, jealousy. Basically not having a nice garden in your brain! 🙄

If I am studying a subject Math for my computer science study I am pretty sure all the effort I put isn't going to give me an A or 10.
However by just giving up nothing get's accomplished.

So in the end the more people agree that this monetary system needs to be overthrown, by something better the likely it becomes this will happen. I am a great believer in this.
The thing is a lot of people slowly come to grips with the fact that this system is utterly and truly terrible for everybody apart from a few at the top, it gives me a little bit if hope something more sensible will be in place in the future. Like Bitcoin

All we need is intent then action will eventually follow.

Thank you for using my services! Your post have been upvoted by 200 users and resteemed to 6000+ people 🙂 Feel free to use my service again in the future.

Hi jones, clever idea. How do u get people/ bots to upvote this quick?

Ah already see what you are doing, not impressed really.

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