Computer science and why I need mental support!

in #steemit7 years ago


Yesterday I was planning for an early night sleep to get up 0700 this morning for a day of hardcore studying!
Today I woke up 11:00. Well done Oudekaas!

new study
A year ago I decided that as I have always had a passion for computers, that I should start a course at the open university or give up on the idea forever.
I also decided to go parttime with flying and "enjoy" my free time studying something new!

My girlfriend finished her law degree a few years back but decided that this wasn't the future for her.
She found a new calling and made the decision to become a nurse. (4 years study)
I figured I might as well join her, becoming a student again at age 38.
Right now it is like the series "community" back home, so if you are in a similar spot feel free to join the community!

Sofar I am doing allright, failing one subject and managing to do two years in one. Still have 3/4 years to go though.
Right now, whilst I am writing this, I feel like sitting in a low pressure environment that is just operating in our house.
Whilst the sun is shining outside, I am staring at my books and they are staring back at me. A total silence, just the tapping of my fingers on the Ipad..... Quite eerieee.

I struggle to reach out for them, not because of a physical disability, but I know what is inside of these books: Sheer and utter boringness.

What have I done, should I give up, spent a lot of time on it already? Perhaps take a break, but I am not getting any younger,

Although I feel that I am learning a lot of stuff that can be applied in normal life, things like
problem solving and how to think logically about certain issues are usefill skills to learn. But sometimes I ask myself if self study isn't worth more. Rather then spending hours on trying to pass exams I could have spent hours learning new stuff.

I struggle so much right now that I thought let's post about it maybe there are fellow steemians with motivational advise 👍👍👍


I'm nearly in the same way, we are living in a weird time about thing like work or study but also think we can make the change, keep it up and good luck!

thx a lot! Are you thinking of starting a study?

No, I'm trying to finish but taking another way, I think I explain it in my first post.

I think a lot of your problem is that you wear yourself out doing pushups before the day has even begun. And then there's the fact that you are obviously an adrenalin junkie which is also a drain on mental and physical energy....

But seriously, a couple of years ago I was asked to write part of a distance learning course. This was to be one of a number of vocational courses designed for mature students. The theory behind them was that our working lives are being extended, and we want more out of life. The end result of this is that people are becoming bored with their career path. They reach the top of their personal ladder within their chosen trade, and then one day it dawns on them that they still have another 30 years to go, And as time goes by the likelihood is that retirement ages will be increased... so maybe they will have 32 or even 35 years to go... In short, they want CHANGE. So, yes, Oodles. keep on going with the study and the essay writing, because you are a person who likes variety.... you have oodles of interests...

Ok pushups not for you! I suggest you do the above instead 🤗, I felt reborn after this session!

Yes I think some people are happy to stick what what they have and I envy that, I get very easily bored and want to do and explore new things. Which sometimes I wish I could just calm myself down and be a but more happy with what I have.

Thx for your advise Elaine, you seem to have good judgment. On that note or bomb-shell (like the British would say) I think you are from now on, the Steemit oracle!
She who has all wisdom!
Suggest you change your name and become the all-knowing one! It might bring fame and fortune if that is what u seek 🤔

So what will be the next best investment opportunity? 😁

Well I just hope you kept that big pilates smile on your face for the whole 45 minutes. I dont have a beach ball, real or imaginery, which could hinder my progress. And i certainly dont want to roll like a ball either. 45 minutes morning and night? Is this guy for real? And all that stretching... He should have been born a cat. I hope you kept your shirt tucked in. The whole 45 minutes could have been a waste otherwise. 2 x 45 minutes. Thats 10.5 hours a week. 546 a year. Thats a lot of stretching, Oodles. Hmmm... Another issue... I can't swim. I do indeed sink to the bottom of the pool. Mind you I get back problems these days and know a lot of its due to too much lifting and carrying. You've made me wonder if stretching exercises might be helpful. Hmmm ... Maybe... Anyway, as the man says, take care.

You wonder if it may be helpful? You are as stubborn as a knit in your sheep's wool!
Excersise every other day 30 mins and I will put money on you for as you will look like a race horse!
No beach ball required, just two things required: some ground and a willing body! I am guessing, you are most likely surrounded by ground, but an excorsism needs to be performed to release that unwilling demon! 😜

Just give me another day or two and I'll come up with a sharp answer to that, Oodles.

you leaving oodles hanging? ☹️

Not exactly. Just still recovering from the after effects of all that stretching, and despite a lot of searching, I can't find the willing body you speak of. But I did find another video entitled "pilates for ageing oracles" or something similar, which I'm working up to.

Anyway, I shall see if I can find an introduction on your post...

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