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RE: Trickle Down Steemincomics: How Steemit was Systematically Designed to Enrich a Middle Class

in #steemit8 years ago

This also allows wealth to be created much faster on the side of the content creating dolphin/minnows than it does on the side of the whale. If a whale upvotes 10 posts to 100 dollars each hypothetically they would only receive 250 in curation rewards while the content creators receive 750.

As per the whitepaper, for every 1 unit of wealth distributed as rewards, 9 units go to SP holders.

So in your example, while of the 1000 dollars rewards, 750 would indeed go to content creators and only 250 to whales, at the same time 9000 dollars worth of wealth would also be generated and distributed to SP holders (mostly whales by definition).

So the way I understand the model, for every 1 dollar that 'trickles down', 9 dollars go to the richest.

Isn't that so?

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