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RE: The Steemit Daily Dose: The most frequently asked question by minnows.

in #steemit7 years ago

Great topic to discuss brother. I've been here about 3 months and I've learned all about the intricacies of Steemit from other members. I have leaned on and learned from their knowledge, and they're always more than willing to help.

The learning curve here is substantial and I've always thought there should be more of an effort put forth to help minnows navigate the waters when they're just beginning their journey. I think it would dramatically help eliminate churn and aid greatly in the growth of Steemit, but that's just my opinion.

I no doubt know Ned and corporate leadership are extremely busy overseeing the day to day operations of Steemit and planning for it's future, but their not having an active role in keeping users in the loop about new technology and the direction of Steemit has a dulling effect on the platform. New announcements, like the launch of Dtube for example, that would be pinned to the home page or across every page for that matter would create much needed buzz and excitement within the community. Keeping users informed and also promoting new developments goes a long way into building confidence, pride and promotes a feeling of belonging to something greater than ourselves. This is where they're I believe missing the boat a bit. Please don't get me wrong, I love what they've built here, but taking a more active leadership role in promoting the future of this great platform and making users feel like they're more involved in goings on and future of Steemit goes a long way into everyone buying in and promoting and committing for the long haul. That more than anything is what's important for any social media platform, active users who believe in it, are committed to it, and trust it. If you build this faith in your users, they'll do a lot of the promotion for you.


P.S. I send you some SBD sharpnel to encourage your wife to Steem on! :D

I just told her and she told me tell you it is an incredible gesture and thank you very much. She dabbles just a little bit on here but she doesn't feel comfortable quite yet. She'll give it another go, she was just very hurt and is still a little gun shy. Really appreciate it brother! Means a lot!

Yeah, do forward it to her. It's nothing personal @orionschariot - social media is full of trolling these days. You need a thick skin to survive here - I won't lie! ... though it's not as bad as youtube here on Steemit ... but there are a few pesky vicious trolls! IGNORE THEM!!

I no doubt know Ned and corporate leadership are extremely busy overseeing the day to day operations of Steemit and planning for it's future, but their not having an active role in keeping users in the loop about new technology and the direction of Steemit has a dulling effect on the platform.

A lot of new minnows complain of that dullness you speak of @orionschariot It's almost like a torpor. Steady as she goes can create a very dull ship at times. I'd like to see more proactivity on deck and less reactivity - IMHO!

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