Steemit is helping me more than you can imagine

in #steemit7 years ago

I've blogged previously about the financial difficulties we experience running a small business in the South African economy. I have been honest about it and not afraid to share, as I believe so many people walk through hell on earth and still try to present a facade to the world. I don't have the energy for that.


Me and Snuffles, the only good thing I got from that shop!           

I stopped sharing, though, when I felt it was attracting the wrong kind of attention. As on any platform, online and in real life, charlatans abound. I didn't fall for any scheme, but got tired of the...attention.

This week though, has been really difficult. Our landlords have decided to evict us and summons us for outstanding rent of about R35 000. ($2634). I'm not taking this as badly as I might have thought, except for the day I received the summons. That was pretty bad. We've been needing to make a move to a cheaper place, so that plan is in action now.

We will have to go to court, which I am absolutely dreading, as nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I am scared. We have been advised to plea for a payment plan. I'm quite stressed about the date of the proposed eviction, as well as licensing issues we may experience.

I do experience panic attacks every now and then, and obviously I feel a bit down, but I have not returned to the black place of deep depression I have previously experienced. When I received the news, I had to do something which I really didn't want to - start powering down, as this will really help us through the next few difficult months.

I believe so deeply in Steemit and how the Steem is poised to take off, I absolutely didn't want to do it, but upon some consideration I realised the present moment is as important as the future. When I opened my Steemit account 9 months ago I was gobsmacked by the fact I can make money without any other investment other than time. This is a revolutionary opportunity!!! Those of us who have been blogging regularly should never lose sight of that, as we sink into routine. Personally I am grateful beyond words.

Apart from my personal financial woes, there has been another major impact Steemit has had on my life. I have never seen a better group of people (for the most part) on any social media site. People are honest, in many cases painfully so. People are supportive of each other and people actually think. The state of our plastic society forcing us into little plastic molds has often led me to despair. But, I am beginning, and I mean just beginning, to have an inkling of hope of something....better for humanity.

I believe I have come home to a group of people who are realists, but yet try to remain positive. I will continue working away at my blog. It is work as it has become part of my daily routine to share my interests. The funny thing, though, is I put all other work away when I leave the shop, but I continue reading and commenting on the blogs of others for pleasure when I get home. 

One more very positive aspect of Steemit for me is being provided the opportunity to put my feelings into words. For me it helps, it is an outlet that relieves pressure. I can say this with all honesty, Steemit has made me more relaxed, less stressed and more able to go with the flow.

Steemit - I am grateful! 

Thank you for reading. Please follow me @onetree


(Two pictures below, thanks pixabay)


I had no idea! You are truly a brave and special person to openly share the woes you are going through. All I can think of saying is thank you for sharing this post with us, tonight especially this has spoken to me in more ways than you could understand xx.
I hope I can also muster up the strength and will power you have!
Sweet dreams

Your comment means so much to me. It is difficult to open up, but for me, once I have shared I get a sense of peace.

I can totally understand that.

Barend and myself are also on a horrible roller coaster financially.

I hope that I will understand Steemit soon and start earning too! :o)

Yup, it sucks. I'm glad you are both here.

I'm glad to hear that. Good luck

I am thinking of you I am sure everything will Workout :)

Thanks @karenb54 sometimes we need to be physically forced out of our comfort zones.

I agree totally, you can now move onto something better :)

Difficult times always create strength through them and that will be strength you can take with you in the good times as well. It's worth it, even if it feels painful in the moment.

You will go very far; don't worry.

Thank you @steemquestions for that very positive reply :)

Sorry to here this, Is there no way to avoid going to Court?, Perhaps moving out of the premises and arranging a Payment Plan? Court just adds extra Lawyers expenses. Would they easily find a Tenant at your current rental , or would they negotiate a better deal for you? ( Even Slumlords are having a hard time nowadays!)

My husband went to see them and made an arrangement. We are moving out next week already. They are not going to find tenants easily as town centre is in a terrible slump. I can't see how their actions make business sense, especially as their corner shop is empty. We also discovered that the shops around us owned by the same people were paying less than us. Fortunately it is not my problem to worry about them. We have already found a new shop and paid the deposit. Steemit has really helped me, yesterday I withdrew R12 000!

Excellent, Nice to have a hobby that helps!

Keep us updated on your wishes in your time of transition🦋

Thank you for your kind thoughts @reddust

@onetree please know that all of us here in the forest are rooting for you! and will keep you & yours held in positive vibes, prayers & loving energy.

I have no doubt this experience will birth an abundance of awesomeness as you move through it, honoring the process all the way <3

Happy Steeming and Big Reiki Hugs!!! Namaste

Thank you so much @thereikiforest that really means a lot to me. Namaste

You are very welcome @onetree <3 Much Love!


Resteemed! Really enjoyed reading this. I wish you the best of luck!

Thank you @mallorcaman that really means so much to me!!!

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