I've been thinking...

in #steemit8 years ago

Sometimes it happens. The thinking thing I mean. And at inconvenient times perhaps because I've had a lot to deal with and I'd really rather veg. It's about this whole Steemit up/down vote thing.

Thanks Pixabay!

The truth is I really can't say what is right or wrong, because all the arguments for and against (downvotes) are so eloquent. I can only give my take on it. Everybody is entitled to their point of view and only time will tell which one is right. Usually neither are, instead some sort of combination of both sides of the issue is the solution.

I post quite regularly but am kind of out of the social loop due to time constraints (and honestly, boredom). I haven't been on the Chat Channel for about 4 months. I have made a couple of awesome acquaintances though, which is nice. If you are actually reading this you are probably one of them.

I like Steemit. It has been an education for me, especially on the subject of cryptocurrencies. I like to learn and the decidedly nerdier content I find here as opposed to, say, facebook, is right up my alley. What I like the MOST though, is earning money, because I need it. And here is the crux: we all either want or need money. When we feel our source of income is under threat, our reaction can be primal, we want to eliminate that threat.

Steemit is newer than new. In website age and in concept. Many mistakes will be made, maybe even leading to the site's downfall. With that in mind all the arguing is inevitable. People are SO invested in being right, and in protecting what they feel they have built. (Earnings, reputation, point of view.)

Every now and then I tune in to the soap opera. I can't see how it would put new users off as people seem to enjoy drama, it might even attract new users. I don't appreciate outright nastiness so if I see it I will either unfollow or even mute the user. And yes, that is an option! Yay! I've read amazing blogs on Steemit and trawled through my fair share of rubbish. (I'm editing my language here.)

I want to earn Steempower. I believe it is everybody's hope that Steem does a Bitcoin. We all want to escape the misery of daily lives and mounting debt. This is why feelings run so high. I often (okay, time for honesty again, almost always) vote for stuff that I think will earn me curation rewards, unless it is obviously against my moral code, such as it may be). I will also vote without thought of earnings when I feel something is fantastic.

What will be will be. Corny to the max I know. Steemit will succeed or fail. I hope it succeeds as I have made about R5000 ($400) since I joined. Not a princely sum, but it is money I otherwise would not have had. My daughter and her boyfriend also joined and have both made money. We are not well off so it is nice. I haven't been able to sell the concept of Steemit to anyone else though, and don't know how to accurately explain it either.

I'm enjoying the ride. I most certainly don't believe that because I am a regular contributor with original material that I deserve a set amount. I have noticed this sense of entitlement among some users. I have been around since August which is relatively early in Steemit time and the argument about the distribution of rewards remains. And why, because it has to do with money. Money makes people lose their minds.

I don't have a solution. I still like it here. When and if I don't like it anymore I will leave. I hope a solution to the reward distribution can be reached, but I doubt it. Money is involved. There are very good minds on this site and that helps. Steemit is a social experiment really, and quite interesting at times.

Thank you for reading! Please follow me @onetree

PS: My personal dislikes at the moment. Mushrooms and bad spelling.


I agree with you. We here in South Africa like you need extra money and steemit is the right place to earn it. I opened an account on Golos today which is the russian version of steemit. Don't understand a single word over there, but there are quite a few people from steemit on there and they also post in English. Going to try that now for an extra income. I am a teacher and we are underpaid and overworked....lol...but I can't loose anything by trying so perhaps you should try over there as well. Get your family to join so you can explain to them word for word. Works the same as steemit just in russian but you could change the settings to english which I did. Let me know if you want the link.

I joined...where do I change the settings to English? Do you have the same username? Mine wasn't available so I joined as @somuchmore.

@giantbear and check at settings...you can adjust it there.

Thanks, I think I'm all set now :) Been a bit blonde (not blue) today. PS I wanted to tell you I loved the initiative you had with your students posting here. Do you know if any of them stuck with it?

Yes please!!! And thanks. Lol we are so poor here 😂😂😂

Go follow me on there and check who I follow so far. @stellabelle is there and lots of other fun people.

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