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in #steemit7 years ago

yes good point, i wrote about the "long bubble". It never happened in history of Bitcoin, it was always no longer than 1 month then came the crash, now we see this 4 months and the price is further rising. It's a phenomenon which shows signs that you could be right. Thank you!


yes i think it has been way to long with no major correction, i would love to see it hit 2k agian for even a few days ao i can buy buy buy so for now i am just buying smaller amounts and lots ether and dash for their rise

interesting, i believe also in Ethereum with all the ongoing development in the last two steps of the roadmap and the massive usage of smart contracts. But i can't figure out what's behind Dash in user adoption. Don't read almost nothing about real world application. What's your point on Dash?

Bitcoin is bit crazy, yes, i think it's due the Gold 2.0 prediction and the small amount available.

i think ether is going to the moon ,
dash i like it is a very fast currency and semi private
dash has so much marketing and public face they can help push crypto to a real currency.
dash has just taken off this year and

i'm with you with Ether because of the two final phases Metropolis end of September (anonymity with zk-snarks, usuability smart contracts, automatic gas settings for lower fees, mining difficuilty bomb on the way to POS) and finally Serenity (faster, more stable, POS, ease of use). Jameson said the following

“this is going to be when you know the really big stuff hits.”

or going mainstream for big companies.

I read about Dash marketing and saw their videos with Amanda B. Johnson. The brand is good as fast crypto cash or decentralized PayPal but what gives me riddles is for example this article it's most about technical things and near term to provide a wallet for Dash but how should that support mass adoption? A wallet is just a wallet for crypto money but how and where can i spend it? Should i do that with TenX? I don't see the unique ecosystem for Dash and the other currencies evolve also in speed and flexibility. Where is the unique selling point for Dash?

Found another interesting interview with Evan Duffield. He is very enthused. One drawback i heard already is the very expensive masternode because of the steep rise of Dash price and central structures through holdings by Duffield and Moncada..

.. as you can see i really try to understand the buzz around Dash but every time i try i struggle.

yes you made a lot good points about dash, it needs more merchants and real world use. dash is the first cryptocurrency to be bring out it's own debit card so that is gonna be huge when that finally gets a release. Tenx is gonna be a great thing for dash and well ether for real life use.

I do know whether dash can do it or not as a huge cryptocurrency i do think they will have a major roll is mass adoption over the year's.
masternode are supposed for any coin be costly that's the point tho i think they tie up coin supply and there not cheap enough that everyone can own one.

I do have some issue with the way dash may be heading with masternodes being centralized

Thank you for further tidbits of knowledge with the debit card, i'm excited about the impact.

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