in #steemit7 years ago


What does the term "Reward Pool Rape" means to you? One thing for is for sure, it's bad for steemit and some steemians because it is defeating the aim of Steemit Conception and Inception.

I was on the verge of giving up on steemit when i stumbled across a quest by @jphenderson on why i like the idea of whaleshares, little did i i know that i was threading on a thin line of complexities in the system.

Be it EOS, Golos, Whaleshares; can we all imagine the effects of a third party system on Steemit?....Steemit is automatically relegated to Middleman!

Right now we have 1,723,060 STEEM in the reward pool worth $2,151,495 USD on Poloniex...... @fyrstikken.

Does this figures means anything to you? My interpretation of the figure is simple- We are running low on resources!

Imagine if i bring 50 people from Nigeria on this platform, and you all bring 50 people each per week from where ever you are, a decline in STEEM means each of this potential new steemians won't be allocated Steem Powers to get functional.

There is a case i seriously need explanation from Steemit Technical crew about a friend of mine i cajoled to join steemit @the-commentator by his choosen name whom has not been activated to be functional on Steemit after two weeks of signing up, Could this be as a result of low STEEM in the Reward Pool? Then imagine each of these new potential new steemians getting this disspointment at the start of their Steemit career, does that speak well of our system?

Several cases like this are still pending, but with my little knowledge of Mathematics; insufficient STEEM means new users will not be acomodated into steemit. If my interpretation is false, then i need some higer power or anybody to explain some other implications of a low Reward Pool. I am no expert or a tech/programmer but i just deduce my results from a whole lot of reading i did to the best of my understanding.

Another Hardfork is around the corner and we all waiting eagerly to see inprovement on the linear curve with it's effects on rewards. My take is, can any modification be done to Whaleshare system so all users can benefit from it bit it big or tiny fishes? The Modus Operandi seems fine but i think it's limited to only the elite: if you know what i mean.....

Steemit is the "God Father" and so it shouldn't be a middle man and i strongly believe the founders of steemit @ned and the crew will like it to remain that way, buying a vote will not improve the system, my 100% support or against these projects is Nil, as it is such a dare complex topic/debate a small fish like me will spark on Steemit.

Finally with all due respect to @officialfuzzy and his crew, i know you had super good intentions with your heart in the perfect place, so i will like not to be caught in a Crossfire before Cease Fire!


Outside Steemit the world is enslaved in rigged establishment systems.

There is a lot of inequality here too. I suspect it's the same but different.

Here's my latest expression about that:
Gabbing To Myself About Steemit's Ephemeral Nature

I don't thing Steemit is vapor steam as much as it is an accumulating snowball rolling downhill until it explodes upon impact with the collapsing pyramid scheme.

very well interpreted mate, i checked your post as well, nice job!

After reading your post, I am not sure that I understand all that would helpful for me to know. Seems you are saying, the reward pool isn't sufficient? Meaning to me at least, that the daily payout is too great, or the workers on Steemit are not receiving enough for their efforts. Maybe I missed your point.
Your interest in this important subject will help us all who seek to understand. It doesn't seem reasonable to me to blindly spend time and make an effort to do well in Steemit. But at the same time, blindly trusting others to have supreme superior knowledge. Who will surely take care of us?
Thank you for opening the question. I would like to know also.

Your interpretation is really deep. Simply put, if there are other systems on steemit that zaps the Reward away from 85% of the users and gives it to 15% then we should all act smart and wise!

Thank you for your reply. I am approaching the Steemit membership of one month. Not a long period of time for sure. lol
As new members do, not understanding our eco system, I have poured my heart and soul into this community. Too much so, in reality. There is a life away from the screen and keyboard. Ha
As I understand it, each new day. A pool of rewards is in play. Based on the Steem Power in your account. Correct me if I am wrong. I want to know.
What I have found out is this. It is very hard and a very slow process to gain Steem Power. Yes, I know that over time, (maybe a long time), account Steem Power size will grow. So, I labor. Help me to understand. It then makes math sense, that "the whales" will get the lions share of the daily reward. They have the most Steem Power. Am I all wrong here? Am I misinformed?
Thank you

We can talk in chat: my username is same as steemit

Don't be so mistaken! Look at the price of steem and not the reward pool! Mass adoption raises the price and no need to bother about delegated steempower for new accounts, that is a beautiful incentive and a gift that nobody here from months back received. Recent steemians are here at a very great time! Every steemian is an owner of steemit! Even the hardfork etc will not happen without you and me cos the witnesses deciding matters are upvoted there by us! Why tire out on steemit. The people you mentioned bought a ton of steempower mayb even at 3 usd and watched it go down to 0.07 cents and they are still here! You have done better than way many people who have been here since steemit inception. i know many! And even me! You have opportunities already that many don't have perhaps, you haven't seen this yet!
I will write a very post later today to explain things better!

You may not be the biggest whale in the pond, but you're no struggling minnow like too too too many. Try walking a mile in someone else's bubble. Either you actually believe what you're saying or you're spouting whale propaganda.

That is where you are so mistaken! I dont see you as a minnow. Everyone is a whale according to me! It is not about titles! It is more about the person behind the steem power! If you check out how many posts i have done and go way back into how i started, you will see that i am definitely struggling! It is best to talk about these things, so if you are interested in talking, i am so open to talk on Many things happen beyond these blogs that we see! The comment you responded to, was directed at someone with whom i speak on a regular basis and he will get my tone! We all struggle basically and there are no need for comparisons cos that only soil matters. We can fix this, so let's talk instead! If you are on, i have same username. and you tapped into my point in my last comment, which ultimately was aimed at upbuilding. You have been here for instance since sept 2016 and you havent earned. yes, it is a pain but you are still here, so i was touching on the simple fact that the author of the post shouldn't quit!

I guess I misread? Sorry I think?

I think there are 99% minnows and the whales are enjoying the privileged rigged game of the 1%.

I only learned of the chat yesterday or the day before. I wish I'd learned about it two weeks ago, when I had my biggest yet $7.91 - without promotion. I like money and will never refuse it and Steemit as a concept makes sense and cents - that's why I'm here. As well as it's lack of censorship, unlike Wikipedia, Quora, etc. While I'm not primarily here for the money, I am here to organize my project in an open space. I'm not sure if I'm setting up in the wrong place, but it seems like everyone else here is doing that too. I just hope it starts to work itself out a bit better or I suspect it could collapse after all the desperate people squeezed by the outside world abandon all hope.

I hope to see you on chat sometime.

That is all you need really. Get to chat! Connections! Go to the voice channels and air your thoughts and people will know you and your sound and support you. Yes, there is quality posts etc but many factors go into upvotes beyond quality cos there are humans on the platform. And i tell you, you have the right vision especially if you want to build your project on steemit. You are far ahead of many in that case cos many don't touch on that aspect of steem. Steemit is not perfect but it is improving! Hardfork 19 will better somethings, then subcommunites and subcommunity tokens are in the making! Then you can hold your space and take charge but even then you need real life connections either in conversations on thruoug your interaction and activity on steemit!

Now that's what I'm forking talking about!

You can also join the discord underneath my post! Perhaps use same steemit username on there, so it will be easy to find you!

I think I put an underscore between: @Jason_Carswell

My point is, the Steem pool is reatively affecting number of new users. Have campaign for Steemit only for the few of my friend to sign up and not still able to access Steemit after two weeks, now does that makes me feel? Someone suggested i loan my friend the required Steem to become active, that to me sound Cheeky cos when i signed up 2months ago, i came on after just two days.

Yes but there may be ways around that and this is an issue that is being fixed and many people are working on it. Moreover, whale shares virtually has nothing to do with that. Delegated steem power has nothing much to do with reward pools. It is coming out from some account that already has steem power! Nope, you are not cheeky! When we chat i will explain better! I left a comment because, you have valid concerns but look at the ton of the post starting with the headline!

Little known fact. Fyrstikken has a witness and also is a whale.

Another little known fact. I was asked essentially to sell out by ned a long time ago when steem was launched and in exchange for a show he would give me funding for and extra steempower. Im sure i could have even got a witness vote.

But he said i couldnt talk about my liberty loving philosophy if i did it. So i said no.

Funny too when fyrst talks about reward pool rape thst he has bots that completely take his vot8ng out of the equation.

And talk about collusion: odd...if i was one for collusion i suppose id have sold out as asked. But didnt.

And one final fact. Fyrst is on record saying howuch he loves whaleshares and his plans to use it. Dont trust fyrst. If you do and it bites you...youve been warned.

Strictly noted, this is the 2nd warning i recieved about him, i read some comments about him as well. I just don't understand why he keeps down voting all post i and some others have made about how cool Whaleshare is.....

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