Has Steemit lost the social media component ?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Do you know what this icon on the bottom of your post means?


It means how many people actually seen your post. I do not mean read from the beginning to the end, I think at least clicked and opened.
So it made me angry when I saw this situation;
42 -upvotes
2x seen


Please do not misunderstand me, I'm honored and flattered that I'm on the auto-vote list of some of my Steemit friends who believe my posts deserve a vote.
But for them I know exactly who they are, we communicated, exchanged experiences and ideas, become friends!
These others do not know who they are and why they voted, but I'm sure it's not the cause of my post or because they like me as an author.

- Makes me wonder
- Has Steemit lost the social media component?
- Or is ruled by bots ?
- Are the whales to lazy to deal with reading and socializing with us ordinary mortals?
- Are the minnows properly introduced to Steemit and behaviors here?

I do love to interact and do like quality post to be reworded, But people have to do it - NOT BOTS!


Ima smisla nice post ;)

voting but not reading... just kidding :DD

You see, here is interaction :)
I like that :)
Nice to meet you :)

Haha nice meeting you too ;)

I've been thinking about this too... I get around 200-1000 impressions per 140-characters tweet and then here for a long post I may have 5 views and two of them are from my home!!! :DDDD

The only clear incentive remains to get upvotes and then this shapes the way we interact with each other in the platform....

We have same opinion about this matter, impossible to have more ups than views. I am mad about upvoting without checking and also when too strong users upvote same users every time. The possible solution would be removing voting button from the list page so users should have to open the post to upvote. That would bring mess in the world of bots and autovoter

That is great idea, hope someone influential read this :)

Everyone is trying to get the curation rewards, so they're voting on content from people with high reputation in the hopes that the content rewards them with higher curation value. They can simply upvote your post on the "Home" or "New" Tab without opening the post (then you don't get a "view").

That is partially true and I am aware of that fact , but most votes come from empty / zero accounts. That is what made me worried.

Ah, very interesting. I wouldn't mind the "free" upvotes too much though :)

However, I do mind when the majority of upvotes are coming from bots.

Ovaj put cu na nasem; ovdje niko nista ne cita niti ne otvara postove, a svi preglumljavaju interes za ostale i puni su savjeta. Ok je imati svoj krug ljudi i njih podrzavati, ali ne prodaji pamet onda ostalima samo zato sto si ovdje duze ili si "ogroman"! Vec neko vrijeme mislim i ja napisati post o tome, ali eto odustanem na vrijeme :))) Pozdrav

Je frustrira i demotivira ova situacoja,priznajem da znam imati bezveznih postova u nedostatku inspiracije ali kad se potrudim želim da to netko i vidi.Hvala ti na komentaru😁

I always come by every so often and catch up and read, but I do like your posts and photos and would vote them anyway. Just don't want to miss any :)

I wish more Steamians like you, it would be much better place :)

I u ne-virtualnom životu ima klimoglavaca.