
It really is the American way! But it took me a while to get used to the idea. That's the beautiful thing with crypto--it provides the opportunity to accomplish on a much smaller scale what only the super rich get to do in the fiat world. Buying influence will be one other new experience I can check off my list of things I've been able to do thanks to cryptocurrencies. All the best to you on Steemit. I hope you do great, however you choose to approach it :)

Thanks, yes there is something evil and yet alluring sounding when putting it like "buying influence"!! LOL. I think I will do here just like I do on my YouTube channels, post for the fun and enjoy the cash as a bonus. That way I cant really lose coz I'm just putting in what I enjoy doing anyways!

Yes, that's a good idea, to do it first for the fun. For me, earning cash rewards, even small ones, IS part of the fun. I really like investing and such, and have learned a lot about how it works since getting involved with cryptocurrencies. But it's true that if you obsess too much about the money you tend to drive it away.

BTW, you can link to your YouTube videos here, and it will probably benefit both accounts :)

Yeah I try to build them into my posts, like my last one
I don't want to be a spammer lol. I put the vid in at the end. I have loads of vids so each one is an idea for a new post here!
Thanks for your help and support :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63781.73
ETH 3407.93
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.47