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RE: "Central Premise & Proposals" - A Series About Fixing Steemit - Part 4

in #steemit6 years ago

I am happy to see you trying to come up with some ideas. However, at this point, I am inclined to say stick a fork in Steemit, coz it's done. Ban the bots is a great idea. I give it maybe a 1 out of 100 chance of happening though.

Personally I will keep posting what I enjoy. I will keep waiting to see what Dan does as far as a social media thingie over on EOS. Steemit still pays more than anywhere else I know of.



Hey Paul.

I am inclined to say stick a fork in Steemit, coz it's done.

On DM, I've been having a LOT of conversations since I published my last article about a week ago. The word "fork" is being used a lot. There are rumors that "work is underway." Who knows ... rumors. But one guy seemed to be pretty close to what's going on.

All this was so predictable and so completely unnecessary.

In addition to my proposals, I was thinking about proposing that authors get paid by the word... posts, comments and replies. I didn't as I thought it would be too, obviously, self-serving. :-)


I have an idea that would be super popular. I think the witnesses should make less and give that to curation. We need more readers/voters it seems to me. Bet that will go over like a lead balloon!


Paul ... I'm laughing my ass off. Are you trying to cut in front of me on our way to the gallows? Fine ... you go first.

For those who don't know, Paul was my mentor. When my account was bandwidth-frozen for hours per day, he stepped in, unasked, and delegated enough SP to solve the problem. He was always there to answer my plethora of stupid questions and made contacts for me within the poetry community ... despite what I've always suspected was his utter lack of interest in poetry.

He has done the same for so many people that it's hard to keep track. If you don't believe me, enter his username into GinaBot notifications and see how many people mention him by name. It will drive you crazy.

He's also one of the most painfully likeable guys I ever met. Easy-going, friendly, never a cross word for anyone. Guys like this are the glue that holds Steemit together.

So, when even he's uttering "stick a fork in it ... Steemit's done" ... you know the blockchain is in trouble. If he goes elsewhere, his departure (and, presumably, his subsequent recruitment for another blockchain) will have an incredibly powerful effect upon all those who he's mentored ... and the networks that they have subsequently established. I am not loyal to Steemit ... I am loyal to him.

I could name a dozen others like Paul (I call them "fixers" ... they "fix what's broken" and "fix you up") who are equally pissed off.

If Steemit doesn't fix what's obviously broken ... the rampant cheating for starters ... there's going to be a mass exodus once a minimally functional alternative presents itself. And then, we'll be able to gauge the wisdom of listening to the ideologues.

But hey .... "No Rulers, No Rules." Whoohoo!

Thank you for the kind words, Quill!

Yes a mass exodus for sure! I would be quite nervous if I were Ned because every day that goes by, Steemit's lead is surely slipping. I have seen Dan create 3 winning coins/sites. I have to believe in the not too distant future, Steemit version 2 will be up and running on EOS. Sadly Ned and crew have turned a deaf ear to the users experience to concentrate solely on SMT's. As I have said before, Fakebook has no SMT's but a half a TRILLION dollar market cap. I love all the development of the dApps, but what on Earth has Stinc been doing all this time?


Prescient points, all. What's astonishing to me is that the Whales, perhaps not all but seemingly most, seem oblivious to the perils. But this is not 3-dimensional chess. The problems, and their likely consequences, are blatantly obvious.

SMT's seem to be the elixir that is intoxicating everyone. They'll fix everything. Personally, I don't think they'll fix anything. Does anyone honestly think the New York Times is going to create a private-label coin on top of this mess? Steemit has become a cheater's paradise. No wonder that Ned is powering down.

Steemit had a huge "first-mover advantage" but it pissed it all away. With this kind of strategy, who needs competition? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.


Exactly what I was going to say. Maybe Ned sees the writing on the wall and is thus powering down. The sad fact is he doesnt even use the site...I mean 3 posts in 2 months or something.

I have not given up all hope, but if I find a better place, I am gone. There certainly is no loyalty to here. All throughout, there has hardly been any communication, yet they want investors?!?! Simply incredible.

Please make a last posting then on where you are going, so I can come with you.


I haven't given up all hope either. The Silent Majority are called Silent for a reason. What I think it comes down to is whether there are enough "Good Whales" around which to start a reform movement. Any reforms would require their votes.

There ARE Good Whales out there who are trying to be responsible. I even believe there's a few bidbot owners who would willingly close up shop if the system were made fair. Hell, run a curation-bot. (I also have some other ideas about how Whales could use their capital productively. Future article.)

My DM is humming these days. There's a LOT of people who agree with my reforms, or close to them (with good suggestions on how to make them even better). There's also talk about a hardfork ... and rumors that "people are working on it." Who knows.

FYI: The knuckleheads spent so much time trolling this post's comments section that it's now 7th on the ENTIRE blockchain for "most comments!" Visibility equals free advertisement. How do you like them apples?


You realize, that no witness, no chain, no changes, no nothing, right?

I didn't say do away with, I said take less. You cant take from the creators, coz they are making nothing and are leaving already. We need more bodies in here reading/participating. We need to incentivize that more and the money needs to come from somewhere. Something needs to change coz its half a step from a ghost town.

It's more than half a step. Current numbers are at 83% attrition over 12 months.

But do you know why that REALLY is? It's not because of the money not being here. The current reward pool is around 275 grand to be dispensed and fills with 27 or grand more every day.

It's because they didn't know they were gonna have to do some work.

Now about the witness pay. It doesn't COME from the reward pool at all anyway. We get paid in minted SP, created when a block is processed, outside the reward pool of Steem, SBD and SP that users earn.

They are not related at all.

More misunderstandings.

For those of us who maybe read the white papers, learn the rules of the road and adapt to the market, we look at conversations on this page and shake our heads.

We see "I went to a casino, where I dont speak the language and played a game I never heard of or even googled and everybody won but me, so that place is fucked up."

Where the over paid witness money goes is straight to the exchange, where it creates further supply and depresses the price.

Not even close, only about 75 even make any profit over the seed node, witness node and rpc node hosting we carry. At position 50 you might make a couple hundred steem a month at BEST.

the top 20, make more, but ALL of them delegate, run 2-3K in hosting a month or twice that with backups, and run projects, pay teams, and write the code you live on - a $200usd an hour professional gig which is neither mandatory for witnesses or compensated.

Are YOU gonna write the blockchain code for free?

No, I am not going to do anything. I am just going to wait for Dan to get his Steem V2 up and going. :)

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