I am being harassed by Robots here on Steemit ... I am ready to Quit.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Please could somebody help me ?

If I write a post for my own Blog and I include a Referral Link it is NOT spam. I am not posting links on anyone elses blogs or comments. I am getting sick and tired of Vigilante Robots flagging and downvoting posts on my blog just so they can be paid by @Steemcleaners .

Please help ...... anybody that is listening. @ned @steemit

I was having a conversation earlier with someone about how to earn or mine Free Bitcoin and they recommended EarnCrypto - so I wrote my own blog post and included a Referral Link as a contination of the discussion without posting a link in a comment thread. I am running a comparison of 2 such programs and wanted to post the results. Now I am unable to do this. Steemit is seriously starting to Suck.

help me,jpg.png

Image Source:
CC0 Creative Commons
Free for commercial use https://pixabay.com/p-1701468/?no_redirect

Other types of abuse @steemcleaners deals with indirectly
There are several types of abuse that the @steemcleaners account does not deal with directly but the members of @steemcleaners will provide support or advice as individuals.

Hate Speech, Personal Attacks, & Harassment
Rogue Bots
Down vote Abuse

@Steemitcleaners Abuse Guide: https://steemit.com/steemcleaners/@steemcleaners/abuse-guide-2017-update


Thank you @Livingfree - I really appreciate all your support. It is nice to have a Giant on my side. You give me hope in humanity.

Steemit is Seriously starting to Suck.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean @offgridlife.
What do you mean by 'Referral links'?
Are you posting content from an outside news article, then
Posting a link to the original source? Is that the 'referral link'
You mean? If so, I see that done all over the place, all of the time.
I thought that this was what made it acceptable to post
"Other than original" content.
I'm so confused. 😵
I've had several run ins with the Cheetah bot, and
One with steamcleaners. I was not amused.

Someone had a very good article or video about how to earn bitcoin and other crypto currencies without needing to invest or mine with expensive equipment, They recommended i try one called earn crypto - I did this and found it to be very good. You can earn additional Bitcoin if your refer people to this program so rather than include this link on other peoples posts or comments I created my own post explaining how it worked and included a link in my post on my blog - along with another program that I was going to run a comparison on .... My post was flagged by @beerbot and reported to @steemcleaners and the post was flagged and down voted. - Am I not allowed to post referral links or affiliate links on my own blog post ? I cannot spam my own blog ??? Can I ? This is an example of a Referral Link - (which will probably be flagged again) ..... https://www.earncrypto.com/earn-free-bitcoin/?r=94125

There is nothing wrong with posting a referral link in your own post. Do you know who owns @beerbot? A conversation is needed here.

Yes - I spoke with him over on Steemit.chat .... @fubar-bdhr https://steemit.chat/channel/steemcleaners-public

I don't understand what you have done that the is deemed spam. It is your blog. Are you certain you spoke to the actual owner? Steem chat names can be changed without posting keys/passwords. I had someone pretend to be me in there once.

I will take what action I can to help get this ironed out.

I think he just hates me or something - he seems to be following my blog and jumping on anything /everything. I posted a referral link to Bitcoin Get on another blog post also on my own blog and it started a conversation about the best programs to earn Free Bitcoin. All posted on my own blog. I have over 6,000 posts and maybe 4 of them had a referral link.

I see now. I don't know about this one then, but like you, I do not see
Why you can't post such a link on your own site. 😠

I think I am screwed. Now.

Try posting it as a hotlink instead of pure link ( Totally using the wrong words here.) Where you make a button i.e. Referral link in [ ] brackets with ( your url) pushed up against it. which makes Referral Link
So [Referral link] (https://www.earncrypto.com/earn-free-bitcoin/?r=94125)
Just remove the spaces.

Ok thanks - I will try that next

I had assumed you were using the link insertion as described in the comment by @moderndragon . If not, try that. at any rate, don't give up.

Is it @steemcleaners?

I had the same issue.

Here is the issue.. He pays people to report these things and there are a few overzealous and greedy people reporting anything. They are ruining Steemit. All of us Artists and creative content people are going to leave.

I spoke with @anyx about it at @steemfest and he is adamant that ref links are bad. I probably spent 2 hours talking about it with him over the course of the week. I really don't see what's wrong with them but he is against it and the STEEM Power they hold is too much to fight against... it's a shame, I think there's better things to police.

I make a good part of my living with affiliate links and was just about to start a series about that aspect of my work here.

Recently, I started posting affiliate links for a fellow steemer since I believe in his program. Soon I will post here about that journey since I would not have connected with him if I did not post on steemit.

Most of my income comes from Twitter, fb and my website referrals, but steemit is coming up in the ranks. I'm in health, social media, travel, and fashion, so my links are in those genres. I've posted many uncloaked links here and disclose them and so far no problems. I think you can get white listed maybe. If I got slammed on my posts - I would be hugely discouraged and I try hard to be optimistic on steemit.

I don't know who @anyx is but the top 50-100 people definitely hold all the money and power here. From what I can tell, few of them have prior blogging or social media experience and so they are making up rules as the go.

Affiliate links are commonly used as a way to make income from content. This would be one more reason I will not invite my content creating friends. I will take my own risks but not ask others to try.

Another dose of daily discouragement from this difficult place but I am still swimming.

Yeah - I am thoroughly depressed.

There are lot of scams out there ripping people off - if we find a real genuine way for people to earn crypto coin and post a referral link on our OWN blog what is the problem ?

It is NOT spam if we post it once on our own blog. ... Especially if it relates to Mining Crypto Currency. and is not a scam since we are posting it after making sure it works and is not a scam.

There are lot of scams out there ripping people off - if we find a real genuine way for people to earn crypto coin and post a referral link on our OWN blog what is the problem ?

I was having a conversation earlier with someone about how to earn or mine Free Bitcoin and they recommended EarnCrypto - so I wrote my own blog post and included a Referral Link as a contination of the discussion without posting a link in a comment thread. I am running a comparison of 2 such programs and wanted to post the results. Now I am unable to do this ???

Have you chatted with someone from steemcleaners on Steemit chat? They are very helpful and will look into any problems you are having.

Yes - I had a conversation with someone named FUBAR ... it did not go well.

That's a shame. Unfortunately there are people who copy and paste from a site, then use a referral link to show the rest of the conversation. I'm sure this is who they intend to catch and not someone like you writing your own post. 😒

No --- I had posted a similar program link a few days ago and was going to run a comparison with the 2 of them since I made about $200 of Free Bitcoin with one. - They said I had posted other referral links on my own blog which is true since I was discussing this with our people who were interested in earning Free Bitcoin (without expensive mining software or investment) and not a scam.

Are you using shortened links like tinyurl etc? I know they flag those. They just don't like the same link posted twice?

Yes ... for the Bitcoinget link I used a Tinyurl since the URL included a wallet # that I do not want to post everywhere. Anyway. I won't do any of that again. Big disaster,

Ah, of course you would want to keep that private. That's a shame. The scammers and spammers will get away with things, because they will always find a way. But the innocent will have to pay the price. So maddening!

This guy seems to just not like me.

Well, I'm afraid you're not going to get much sympathy on that one. And it's NOT your fault.

It's just a plain fact that a huge number of people who are into referral links to "programs" are horrendous spammers, and you're being punished "by association." Problem is, you can't make a functional rule that says "referral links only for honest people," because that'll get abused by the bottom feeders within 10 seconds.

Again, that's not YOUR fault. But it affects you directly...

Yeah ... that's the way the cookie crumbles.

I could see if I was posting the same link day after day on every post. But it was in response to an earlier post about how to earn Free Bitcoin.

So I guess the Whales can easily destroy a little minnow.... I think i am finished,

Don't give up. I enjoy your posts. I put referral links onto my posts maybe once or twice - but I see that as a legitimate thing to do - it's not on someone else's. I truly can't see a problem.

Me neither. I am thoroughly depressed.

Interesting. It's a way to earn money - and I thought that was the idea of Steemit - to earn money through blogging. You can blog about anything and earn money from your blog. Well, I've earned a higher percentage on participating in ICOs than I have in Bitcon. Bitcon can't scale. As more people pour into the space, it's going to be a case of, "Heuston, we have a problem." People will miss out on the opening they see to buy a coin with Bitcon, and the delay will cost them opportunity. Some altcoins are flying. I'm in NEO, because the GAS is fun...just wish they'd called it something else. I bought Electroneum in the ICO, and recently, HUT 34 Entropy. My next ICO will be CanYa, it's like airbnb, but takes payments in crypto - be like paypal on your website, pays for services rendered - any services - crypto accepted includes, Bitcon, Ether, Dash, Monero, etc. I really believe in this one and I'm going to post a referral to it when it comes out. It's out on 26 November (I think). I'm very forgetful. I forget where I put my paper wallet for Electroneum, LOL :)) Anyway, don't let Steemit get you down. I like harmony :)

How do you get in on ICO 's ? Don't you need a lot to invest ?

No. I see ads for them and read their white paper - or just get an overview because no-one got time for that shit. If I like an idea, I just invest. I put 0.2 Ether into MicroPay because I anticipate making a motza on Electroneum and I need to be able to spend it without putting into my bank account. So I like the sound of Envion AG. This is a fascinating concept, so I read about it on their website which supplies a link to the ICO. It promises to pay an enormous % back to shareholders/coin holders, because it supports Green energy and seeks to reduce the impact on the planet's resources by coin mining, by using only green energy. I have a small reservation about this company though, and if you read their website information, you might agree with me - they intend to have banks of computers located in countries with cheap renewables, stored in shipping containers. I can see robots having to protect the containers. This new world is the stuff of sci fi. I invested into the Power Ledger ICO because it's supported by my electricity company here in OZ. I already pay this mob money through their traditional outlets because they power my house. It's up 4x since launch. I put 2 Ether into Electroneum. It's up 4x since launch. Launch for both of these is in the past 3 to 4 weeks. I am going to put money into CanYa because it's an Australian startup that is already running. I find them more legit. Also, ideas I would consider - I would like to buy CEFS (a share in Cryptopia, the exchange in New Zealand where Electroneum can be bought and sold. I think it pays around 4% of the fees back to shareholders. I figure it can only grow.) Others I like the sound of - UTrust, a Swiss bank that will issue a card you can spend crypto with; SwissBorg, a Swiss investment firm that will invest in Crypto - and the volatility is so high, you can't not make money, I figure. A huge amount of money is about to pour into this space. Mike Novogratz's crypto hedge fund bought the last dip in Bitcon - I'm going to check the figures - which caused the huge delay in other people getting their Bitcon.....he clogged up the system with his high demands, LOL - actually, I have watched his 37 minute interview on Bloomberg (see youtube) with Erik Shatzker (don't know how to spell that) at least 3 times. It tells you everything you need to know about what is driving this space, Cheers :) Bitcoin is a bubble feeding a bubble :)

So should I get rid of Bitcoin and buy Ethereum to buy these other ones ?

....Bitshares (BTS) is probably a good investment. It might rise x 20 because it's on the decentralised OpenLedger website, vying to be a competitor to Bitcoin. And, just for example, with ICOs, I bought 184,000 Electroneum - at 1 cent US. I expect it to be worth maybe up to a dollar in the future. That means, I'll make $184,000 out of my $1,840 initial investment.

PS I don't own any Bitcon. It makes me want to puke. IMHO it's being manipulated by whales and it saddens me to think that poor villagers in Zimbabwe and Indonesia might club together to buy a Bitcoin.....that might be worthless in the future. So I don't buy any. Why support that ponzi scam?

And now I'm going to the pub.... :)

I only have .07 Bitcoin .... mostly free from mining

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