Bugger The Details, Here's Some Art!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

Occupy Orange SMALLER.jpg

I can't seem to get inspired to share more mundane details of my weird life, no matter how hard I try... I am unpacking after moving 2,000 miles back to Denver... I woke up to snow on the ground, and feel lucky to have found my snow pants... Meh, what a Colorado welcome... Brrr!

So I decided to talk about art... That should keep me distracted long enough while my frequencies adjust to my environments... Custom memes is my thing! I do them for money, I do them for fun... I usually infuse a cosmic twist of irony if allowed, and get the most enjoyment in mocking evil corporations and corrupt government officials... I guess I am also capable of producing non-offensive logos and brands, but if I get bored the price goes up quick...


In 2017 I started drawing cartoons on money from all over the world... Then I began to paint them, and ended up with over 150 originals for the year... I sold about 7 of the artworks, but let's just say I need a middleman marketer person, because I need to create full time... The GreedPeace cartoon above is an example of what I might do to an organization that lacks integrity...

If the Pun fits, wear it!!!

OH MY.jpg

That was my attempt to relate to the Disney/Lucasfilm debacle... Sulu should get a solo movie... Just saying!

I wrote a poem a week or so ago for an interview on MSP Radio with @globocop I haven't located the radio show archives, but I read this into my phone so you can hear it... It is sort of important, because Monsanto is poisoning us with its Round-Up food, and Europe is making us look like idiots with our American diets... I named the poem, 'EATLEMANIA' but will let you guess... I am weary of typing... I know 20 people who will frolic over this poem... The rest will go eat bad corn and get cancer of the asshole... Most likely...

Here are a few Monsanto memes on money... Get ready, we are marching worldwide in May!

morph us.jpg

One Dali.jpg

Don't PICNIC.jpg


These are for sale, for steem, SBD, USD, or even a worthy trade... Make an offer, but don't make an awful offer!

If you want to see all the cartoons I did last year, check out my instagrab...


I know, to make this post even more splintered and chaotic, here is one of my original songs! It is called, 'Go Wash Your Mouth Out With Hope'... It was recorded in 2005 and I can't even recall the exact chords I played... But it was divinely inspired, at least to address issues I was facing at the time... Eveyone knows that when a songwriter says YOU they are usually referring to themselves... I very likely was... Here it is, in all its unplugged bliss!

That's pretty much all I got... I am a writer who is gestating a big concept about dynamic social change in our world... But I just can't right now, or won't... Today is transition, tomorrow is hypothetical...

I'll close with a spontaneous parody of Ment Without Huts:
"We can steem if we want to, we can leave faceboob behind...
Cuz those friends don't steem, and if they don't steem,
Then they're... No friends of mine..."

And that, my dear friends, is how you kill a song virus...


Thank you for designing a front page of news paper for congratulate my wining @creativesteem "Creative-Steem: Photo Editing Contest #08 - Showcase & Winner ". Much appreciated.
And I love your "Clock Work Orange" poster. I'm glad I found your blog. I feel I need to check in details of your art works and your philosophy. Happily followed and upvoted by @motherearthist. Love& Peace

Good post brother, throw me a vote and follow if you like my stuff https://steemit.com/twbpoetrycontest/@mattzoidhead/electric-seeds-writers-block-poetry-contest-week-4

Throw an election? LOL! Okay, if the Russian mob says it's okay...

Awesome, I should send you some currency from my Island one day!


Whoa, is that from Dutch Antilles? I don't have currency from there! We should discuss!

Yezzir, since a few years ago the Netherlands Antilles was disbanded though. The Naf (Netherlands Antilles Florin) remained Curaçao's official currency and presents some of our local bird on the bills. Real purdy huh?


The money is very safe! I mean, it would never offend anyone unless I do my business on it... Like my NZ kiwi bird! LOL...

Kiwi Chemtrails.jpg

So are you telling me that Antilles is now an independent nation? Or is it absorbed into some nearby country? Did the citizens have an option to go live in Holland? It boggles me how the colonials just upped and left, with whatever chaos vacuums in their wakes... (Also, what is the lowest denomination bill? Maybe a 1 or a 5?)

The Dutch Antilles used to be six islands. Aruba left in the eighties, and then there were five. In 2010 we had a referendum on the five islands, three islands, Bonaire, Saba and Statia, picked to remain the Netherlands Antilles and become like a province of the Netherlands. Curaçao and Saint-Martin voted for independance, but to remain part od the Dutch Kingdom.

I would love to see what you do with ir, the lowest denomination on paper is 10, lower are coins. Our rate is linked to the dollar at 1$=fl1.80

Nice job with the NZ one, what's the name of that currency?

I think they are just called dollars... New Zealand dollars... Australian dollars, Canadian dollars... Why don't the British colonies use pounds? LOL!

Thanks for the quick local history refresher, I am happy to update my knowledge... I spent 3 months in Holland in 2012, in the winter... Everyone was going to warm vacation spots... I like the Dutch people though... Very kind and intelligent...

That is gorgeous stuff! That I couldn't ruin.

I cannot fail to comment ,sir your work is very impressive ,i don't know if you know,but it conveys a message,each has it's messgae

Haha! I guess I do know that they carry messages... The whole project started with a teen workshop I was to lead, helping the young people find their voice in new ways...

I do envy the fact that you can share aspects of your life undiluted. I don't think I can do that. given my overthinking perfectionist mindset. also my day to day living is very boring and repetitive.

I also share your frustrations with getting inspired to post. steemit can be draining. but keep doing you. and sharing details of your "wierd" life. you seem to be pulling it off brilliantly.

I guess I am stewing in good ways about something I want to see happen, to help happen... A Steemit Transitional Housing Network, like a real NGO with staff and funding, property and an ability to affect change where government programs and religious organizations have failed... It is such a colossal vision that I need to step WAY back so I can see it properly, enough to translate it for others to partake...

And the creative writer in me just wants to write new articles about new awesome stuff I am researching and rabbit-holing... Life is throwing a lot my way, though, so I have to pace myself... Hence, this post is more of a placeholder, but I guess I do all things to hyperbolic degree... I am an Aries AND and Aspy...

You have a broad vision, steemit needs application like that to continue to thrive and remain the most used blockchain in the crypto-verse. This place is vast and you are bound to meet someone with similar vision to yours.

That is my hope... It may be that I meet the perfect folks and simply hand it off to them to run with, remaining available as a creative consultant and volunteer, maybe even a client for steemit housing!

In all endeavors which I give energy towards, if the idea wants to be out there and thrive then it will... I just get out of the way... In this manner I can have millions of ideas and not worry about prioritizing them, since the best ones seem to survive... Not trying to sexualize it, but sperm is a perfect analogy here...

Interesting. That's along the lines of what I want to do here. The TH program near charges tenants majorly for staying there as well as requires tenants to live by a bizillion rules! One person rent is $200+ and families is almost $509. May not seem too bad but when you have no money, might as well be a million a night to stay there cause the challenge to come up with the cash is about the same

Uh oh, I can already tell that I am the idealist dreamer here... Cuz I was thinking of the organization acquiring property and developing it or at least renovating, then free to qualified folks... They also get a steemit account and access to computer terminals... Of course there would be issues left and right, and the entire model would defy the status quo... But what we have now doesn't work... Church and state have failed...

So what can we do?

(After I left this comment, I read my earlier comment and noticed that it is almost the same thing! LOL... I would delete this but I will leave it for the integrity of the blockchain... DERP)

Not sure but I know there's got to be an answer. I was thinking tiny house community here, but that can be limiting as far as number assisted due to size of units. Hmmmm

I will try to post about it today... It is just intimidating, and I probably need to start by getting my ego out of the way... Probably the only way this could flourish is if it spread organically... Certainly not going to buy Superbowl ads or boost posts on faceboob...

I'm digging your art man! Saw this on FB. Followed and resteemed. Check out my travel and radio posts. I think you may enjoy.


I think I will put that show right here in this comment? I am listening right now, and all of it is RIGHT up my alley... I could make a million memes to these tunes... Literally!

watch out bro parodies might not be ok to put on steemit anymore.

Just kidding but not really.

That top picture is fucking badass, not saying the other stuff isnt cause its all great but omg that top pict is fucking epic! I am in awe and bow down before the master!!!!!!

Thanks so much... I sometimes get the best ideas when I am supposed to be doing other stuff, like paperwork or shaving... This Clockwork Omage design started with playing on fontmeme, I think... Which is hilarious because the font is the part I need to fix...

I have been making personalized memes and logos for friends lately... Some of the mods at Minnow Support Project, and folks who become special and have punnable names...

This one was just a straight up show of gratitude to @soundwavesphoton for being such a cool guy, and for putting up with my aspy-hole-ness on occasion... It has sound, and waves, and photons!

the depth on the photon is almost like an optical illusion.
I noticed the "O" on the pict looked like the shape was off or something but still the whole thing blew my mind. It would look awesome if used as a header for your posts imo.

Your artworks never cease to amaze me mate, you got hella skillz cuzi bro!!!

You are just too damn creative. I hear you! I hear your message. I admit I am not organic in many ways but I do try to be as I can afford. Is a big reason for my desire to homestead and become a permaculturist. Life gets in the way. That's my obstacle to overcome, though. The poem is very thought provoking and spot on. Thank you for sharing Occupy!

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