Retracted: And the downvote wars enter a new level of ironysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

UPDATE: sorry folks, I completely effed up and conflated a comment and a post by two different users and drew a bogus conclusion. Not sure I how I managed that other than they were both saying everything is free to upvote and downvote as they please. However, this certainly wasn't a deliberate intent to deceive on my part, just a complete f**k-up.

I was going to leave the original text here unaltered but it is so egregiously incorrect I don't want anyone to miss my comment and think it was truly the same person. My apologies to those concerned for the FUBAR SNAFU


UPDATE: sorry folks, I completely effed up and conflated posts by two different users and drew a bogus conclusion. Not sure I how I managed that. Certainly wasn't a deliberate intent to deceive just a complete f**k-up on my part. My apologies to those concerned. The two posts stand - but are in no way connected. Please feel to retract your upvotes!

Anything left at the end of the day I will send to

upvoted your comment for visibility...

No, please keep what you earn. I'd much rather you power it up and build your account so your upvote means more :)

Thank you though :)

Those look to be very different accounts. So, not sure how you know it is the same user. lol. Ironic also that you have taken screen shots that show it is not the same user, while claiming it is the same user.

Thanks for pointing out the emperor has no clothes. I'm not normally so careless but this time I blew it big time!

It happens. I upvoted your other comment for visibility and thanks for owning it.

I second that. I appreciate people who admit mistakes more than people who supposedly don't make any. :)

Speaking of downvote wars... and now this:

Expect shit to start flying.

Wait a minute.

Let's keep this real.

Why are you quoting the user kafkanarchy then comparing that quote to schattenjaeger?

Its two different users?

Am I missing something? Have I read this wrong? You are saying it's ironic and yet you quote two different users claiming that it is the same person exhibiting double think?

Please explain.

You didn't miss something, I made a big blunder, I think because I just happened to see the second post right after responding to the previous comment. And the post had the same premise that people are free to up and down vote as they please and my brain just carelessly conflated the two. kafka-something and schattenjaeger? All these German names sound alike! Yeah, right!

Mistakes happen. I just don't want any extra petrol on the fire as it were. Well done for correcting it :0)

This is a difficult situation and there is no easy solution. I understand users that have been here from the beginning and have amassed a large following receive a lot of auto-votes and post payouts are usually profitable. I also understand the feeling that this takes away post rewards from new authors and can cause people to give up on steemit.

My solution would simply be to get away from all auto votes, completely ban the process. The more prevalent auto-votes become, the more disparity will arise on the platform. Just because you have a big following doesn't mean you are entitled to a big payout just because you made a new post, however, unless the post is spam or of shitty quality, I don't think there should be down voting.

The big problem lies in automation. people want to get as much curation rewards as possible. Stop being lazy and stop raping the reward pool. The problem is not the authors, but the voters/autovoters who are ruining the platform

I am all for free speech, but then antivaxers. I have friends who are immunosuppressed and antivaxers are putting them in mortal danger every day. That said, I saw the post last night and quietly clenched my jaw really hard to avoid flagging it.

Dangerous misinformation kills. But I actually think really hard before I hit that flag button for anything aside from blatant theft or spam so... even though I disagree with the rewards on that post, I will not waste my VP flagging it.

Yeah anti-vaxers really tempt me to the flag button but I'll usually just ignore it and look for some pro-vax post to upvote instead. But if they post with the tag #science I may not be able to control myself (ditto for other woo posts labeled similarly).

Send some links my way. My VP is itchiching to promote some truth.

very different,,,,,,,,,,,
Those look to be very different accounts.........///////

It takes a big person to admit they made a mistake. Thank you for owning up. Everyone makes mistakes. You have apologised and as far as I am concerned apology accepted. Now lets get on with what we do good content!

Oops, but well done on amending your post ASAP.

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