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RE: Steemit Needs Series #38: Pls. Comment With Your Ideas to Improve Steemit!! | 2/1/2018 | Community Engagement | Archives to help Developers / Community.

in #steemit6 years ago

Steemit's doing durn well; nothing comes to mind about improving it. As for the spammy comments, the system's designed to disincentivize them. Just don't upvote them, and flag the most egregious ones.

If there's any top item on my "wish list", it would be a P2P exchange for STEEM like a place to exchange STEEM for fiat and vice-versa. Given that Steemit's a social network, that kind of venue would also be a great hub for organizing meetups, writing lessons, Steemit etiquette lessons, etc.


Greetings, @nxtblg,

FYI, I've had excellent success doing a few personal, private exchanges of Steem and fiat... I've written several articles with suggestions of how to do this safely, and my experience so far has been very positive.

A Personal, Private Exchange of Steem for Fiat - Initial SUCCESS Report!

That's my most recent article in the series. It contains links to earlier articles, and you should also know that I've had successful exchanges since writing that article.

We do of course need a convenient escrow mechanism, but even with things "as they are," it is definitely possible to privately exchange fiat and Steem.
Table of Contents

So, rather than be frustrated, why not find some folk that you can trust and do some exchanges?



OK I am back from my rehab stuff, I am going to pull up your posts there tonite.

I need to write x # of blogs a day with less payouts to meet my goals, I do not openly tell everyone that but I have lost support and I have always been honest.

There is not a lot of time IRL anymore for me to try and content create as such, with those limits on my posts now and do everything I need to do @creatr.

TY again for everything.

Hey, Barry,

You're not the only one who seems to have lost support... I feel that as well. My sense is that the most strongly supported bloggers here are ones that have a fairly narrow focus, and I've never been able to focus that tightly...

Nevertheless, I am very grateful for the amount of support that I do seem to have, and hope to keep on keepin' on...

I wish you the best of success overcoming the obstacles you are dealing with these days!

@creatr - I hope to get back here tonight, another long day of legal paperwork for my injury lawyer, the fight continues. Off to rehab now.

I wanted to take a moment (again) - to say how much I have enjoyed seeing you back on my blog commenting away with your level of detail.

I wanted to say thanks for that, once again, in a more fulsome way.

I have always appreciated you man, more than you know, even through the days of silence LOL


I am struggling along my friend, a day at a time.

Thank you.

Hey, friend,

Sorry I'm not more systematic... Probably simultaneously one of my blessings and curses, something to do with being creative.

Thank you for your very kind comments; sorry to hear of your injuries... I wish you maximum success in rehab! :O


@nxtblog, just got home from a few hours there of compiling my paperwork and home from the lawyer after delivery, heading out soonish for my self imposed rehab limp in -10 and wind chill, more online from me tonight.

You always have the best comments.

If you DM me, I can actually show you who contacted me in part from the dev team, they really do use my series to see what the users want.

-- or try to I guess LOL

Thanks for being such a good commenter and curator here man, it is not an easy job, I know, I did HOURS a day of it for my first 12 mths until life stuff happened to deal with.

I thank you.

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