
Dont see any problem each one do what he wants, invest can give you more so its really nice. I do it myself and will do more when i will gain power.

it's not so much of a problem for those who are whales, rather an exercise in applied cryptoecnomics.

The current system is a bit broken and it has allowed low quality content and shameless self promoters who are not contributing to the intended purpose of the system.

Most seem to be more concerned how they can maximize their rewards over the integrity of the content and interactions they are actually contributing.

It's understandable. You have to produce money to survive. You can't put a lot of effort into content and interactions that doesn't reward you.

I believe slow and steady wins the race and integrity shines through within the network, because other like minded people will follow and endorse your content the more thoughtful and genuine you are - it just tales a lot more effort and time than most people want to spin.

If people can cut corners, they will and especially if there is money on the line.

At that point, why not just start a spam blog for affiliate revenue and crank out churn and burn content for the lowest common denominator.

"I believe slow and steady wins the race and integrity shines through within the network, because other like minded people will follow and endorse your content the more thoughtful and genuine you are - it just takes a lot more effort and time than most people want to spin."

You nailed it.

I couldnt agree more

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