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RE: This stream of human consiousness.

in #steemit7 years ago

It's kind of ridiculous, When we reflect on the dynamics of "fighting and feuding". The ridiculousness is in the realization that our cognitive dissonances...disagreements....separation's, - are aspects of ourselves that we are not conscious of....and ironically, "the fighting and feuding" puts things into our face/attention and conscious mind through the experience of "others".

The content juggling itself "fighting and feuding", creating the jugglar in the process (separation), a fragment of content that claims authority above all other fragments. This jugglar (the self, the me, the observer, the experiencer) are indeed aspects (fragments of content) of ourselves that we are not conscious of.

Ironically, "the fighting and feuding" puts things into our face/attention and conscious mind through the experience of "others".

Therefore the observer is the observed, the experiencer is the experience.

First step in going to sleep is shutting down our senses, sight (vision), hearing (audition), taste (gustation), smell (olfaction), and touch (somatosensation) so that the jugglar (experiencer) ceases to exist.

First step in waking up from sleep is powering up our senses so that the jugglar(experiencer) comes into being and with it the experience of the other(s).

Without the jugglar (experiencer) there would be only experiencing.

Ironically, we are all here together...always.

Yeah..sure, there is no delete button on this blockchain we call life. :)

I really like the clarity of words you use in your writing.


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