Tomorrow's Whaleshares Curation Show - The Half Year Special - Featuring SIRLUNCHTHEHOST
The Thinking Person's Post Promotion!
Tomorrow we welcome a fascinating character to the show. @sirlunchthehost is a illustrator, freestyle rapper, game creator and about a million other things. He and I used to chat often but it's been a while so the show will be something of a reunion of friends. And don't forget we've got @raj808's poetry section with a special guest!
Let me remind you about this project; involving distribution of Whaleshares to top quality posts...
Simply go to the Whaleshares discord server. Here is an invite: Drop your post into the #postpromotion channel. Then get ready to come and listen to our Curation Discussion.
If your post is selected you will be awarded Whaleshares, equivalent to upvotes from a Steemit whale. If it isn't selected you still get something as Whaleshares will be given to all attendees.
Remember the discussion begins at 22:59GMT or 5.59EST on Monday night in the Whaleshares discord channel. Go to #thecurationlounge and listen in. Afterwards you'll be able to ask questions and get feedback.
Expect me... Cause I'll be there
Good to know. You'll be very welcome!
I wouldn't be able to be there considering the distance and what not. However, I wish you guys the best. Wish that i could listen to the free stylers though.
On a second thought, must the post for the competition be new or as long as 7 days has not elapsed, can it be used?
Any post can be used. And there is no distance. It's on discord!
So wish I could be there, but will be in a place called Dreamland, sorry I'm going to miss the discussion :(