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RE: The state of steemit central - come one come all - your comments required. PRIZES TOO.

in #steemit5 years ago

I'm not going to complain about steem inc for the most part. We all know at this stage their inability to deliver on promises or deadlines. Since they communicate about as often as a new series of rick and morty gets released its pointless to try and figure out what they are at.

They are not our problem. They are one cog in the machine and one we should be moving past. Let them move storage to rocksDb. Good. If they can release SMT'S even better. But we need to be moving past them as a controlling entity. There are two other SMT like products being developed right now by other people. Steemmonsters is building a whole side community. @timcliff organised a bounty and got 4 great multi-sig walk throughs built in days.....

Don't complain. Take action. Let steem inc do whatever they are at but we need to do for ourselves. They don't own the blockchain, we all do.

Posted using Partiko Android


Superb comment, hoping others engage with you here.

Since they communicate about as often as a new series of rick and morty gets released its pointless to try and figure out what they are at.

best comparison heared for a long time :D

we agree on very important points. :)

We really need a new series. Also some communication would be nice too but I know where my priorities lie.

They don't own the blockchain, we all do.

... and I believe that was always the idea. Have we fallen into the age old trap of complaining to the ones we think are in charge to do something about it?

Posted using Partiko Android

I think so. You see so many people complaining about Steem inc even though they don't run any of this. They are just a private company who work on development. It will take a while as this whole concept is still fairly new and there can be a general lack of direction from a lot of people but we have seen what can be accomplished when a few people take an idea and go with it. we just need to see it more often.

We all own a stake in this so it benefits us all to improve it and increase the value of the blockchain and complaining isn't going to get us there. Solving problems will. What is the greatest issue facing the chain right now and then how do we fix it. Do this and repeat, hat is how you achieve success.

You see so many people complaining about Steem inc even though they don't run any of this.

By my understanding no graphics is stored on the blockchain, only text. If STINC were to take their servers down tomorrow then it would be bye bye to all uploaded images.

We should definitely move away from dependence on STINC. The rocksDB HF should make this more possible, yet it will likely be STINC which brings us that release. The venom towards STINC is something that is hard for me to understand.

By my understanding no graphics is stored on the blockchain, only text. If STINC were to take their servers down tomorrow then it would be bye bye to all uploaded images.

From what I've read you're right on this but since all of my images are uploaded to the blockchain anyway it doesn't worry me. I have them all backed up. I don't really get the hate either. They are not a good company but in essence they are trying to improve what we have here so we should be working with them not pulling them down.

I think a lot of it stems from the lack of communication from the group. If they actually interacted with the people here they could find so much talent and drive from the community that it would be a lot easier to implement any changes or infrastructure that they were trying to do. They have plenty people here who would be willing to help and work for free if we knew what was going on or what needed to be done. But they maintain radio silence while failing to deliver on their promises. That is where the frustration stems from.

You can see from the past few months that people are trying to organise and move away from steem inc which is great to see. The community is starting to get things done and if we keep going like this we will have a much stronger chain in the future. I only wish steem inc could see this and work with us as we would all benefit from a joint effort to improve the blockchain.

1 steem spot prize awarded/sent.

Thanks for that. Wasnt expecting it but I always love more steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Most welcome.

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