New Steemit feature: co-authoring idea

in #steemit8 years ago

In browsing Steemit the other day, a thought came to me. What if Steemit provided a way for multiple authors to be rewarded for a post?

What I mean is this, sometimes in addition to the actual author, there are one or more others who make a significant contribution to the post. Sometimes those Steemers who did not write the post, but contributed in other ways to the post are not rewarded. In those cases, could there be an option to add additional authors to the post, and have the payout for the post distributed across multiple authors?

Example cases where this can be applied

A debate or interview between two Steemit users

For example during the recent Great Steemit Debate: Tone Vays vs @blakemiles84, if both of the participants in the debate were Steemit users, then the co-authoring feature can be applied. In the same way this could be applied for interviews/feature articles between Steemit users.

Posts relating toSteemit meetups

With the increasing number of Steemit meetups and events being organised, the co-authoring feature can be used to distribute payouts across a number of participants or organisers.

Further thoughts

Sometimes the contribution to a post may not be equal across authors/participants. In these cases, the inclusion of a feature where a weighted percentage for payouts could be used. For example, the main author could choose to allocate 70% to him/herself, and 30% to someone who contributed a lesser amount to the post.

What do you think?

Please feel free to contribute your thoughts to this idea in the comments below. Do you think this would be a useful feature? Please feel free to comment on how this concept could be improved.



A couple things I dislike about Steemit, is the fact that Steemians upvote stupid bait hook stories that do nothing for Steem, nor the world or humanity in general.
In fact these stories are now so profitable on Steemit they are more likely crafted story telling for payout rewards rather than anything to do with real life; but steemian fools continue to upvote this crass trash.
One area of steemit i love is that quality authors who write well get paid with rewarding upvotes. I myself suck at Authoring, however I have a high IQ level and have great all round general knowledge; but i still suck at writing.
If i could combine my writing skills which are pathetic with my wide knowledge base i think i could serve my partner, steemit and humanity in many useful ways...
I see no reason steemit should not allow people to co-author; it's a great idea since it would make the final steemit content even better and more polished.
Great ideas need UPvotes...
C u on the BC ;)
/hugz :)

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