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RE: epic.archives Introduction -- Who Are We?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Excellent. Your mission parallels the one we are attempting to do, but does not intersect. It sounds like you have a worthy mission. At the moment we are trying to aggregate news daily, and weekly with some other plans for the future. We daily comb through alternative news sites, then mainstream media sites, and then the steemit #news tag and try to produce a post that is like a mini-drudge report/ hybrid. We will remain unbiased and ethical. All titles will be the titles the original authors gave their article.

It can be easy to lose track of time and forget to check the news out there. the daily headlines post we do can hopefully help with that.

We are glad you are at steemit and people associated with our project will also be following you as we let them know you are here.

Good luck! Preserve information on the blockchain!

OH. A side effect of our daily headlines is that in theory we can go back to a date and see what news was happening on that day by looking at these headlines. That is not always as easy to do anywhere else.

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